Wow! Wow! Wubbzy is an upcoming reboot of The Nick Jr. TV Series of the same name. It will be dropped on Netflix in 2024 for the 20th anniversary of the original Wow! Wow! Wubbzy. It’s was originally going to be released around August 2021 for the 15th Anniversary but it was delayed due to Covid 19.
Tex Hammond as Wubbzy
Catherine Taber as Daizy
Lara Jill Miller as Widget
Carlos Alazraqui as Walden
Rob Paulsen as Stu
The Wubbzy Gang is back and they're on amazing adventures that always end in amazing and catastrophic results.
List of Wow Wow Wubbzy (Reboot) Episodes
- Wubbzy and Daizy's Voice actors have been changed.
- Despite being Based off the same show, it is less for small kids and more for older audiences.
- The characters have a wardrobe change. Everyone has huge white eyes, Walden now wears a blue bow tie, red tinted glasses, green pants, and orange shoes, Wubbzy wears red sneakers, checkered suspenders, and black, fingerless gloves, Widget wears the purple overalls from the promo images (Though she still wears her pink overalls in some episodes), and Daizy wears a tutu, white gloves, and ballerina shoes.
- The characters have some changes to their designs. Wubbzy has eyebrows, Widget no longer has whiskers, Walden wears green pants, red tinted glasses, and the polka dots on his shirt are yellow, Daizy lacks the flower on her shirt, and Widget lacks the heart on her front pocket.
- The Wubbzy Gang makes the sounds the animals they’re based on make. Wubbzy would make monkey sounds, due to having monkey-like features, Walden would growl and roar, Widget would make a growling sound, because some rabbits make those sounds, and Daizy would bark and growl.
- The side characters also have changes. Kooky Kid wears a white shirt with the words, "I'm Kooky, BIATCH!", Huggy wears gloves, and Buggy wears his glasses on his head. Also, Earl wears a brown baseball cap, starts wearing a pink necktie, Stu wears an orange necktie, a wig, a black blazer and pants, and purple shoes, Shine wears glasses, and Sparkles wears Star shades.
Earl’s necktie image:[]
- This is the first Nick Jr. show to be turned from TV-Y to TV-PG.
- Tex Hammond and Catherine Taber worked on Mighty Bug 5 as Parnell and The Loud House as Lincoln Loud and Lori Loud.
- The show takes place a few years after the original show, which is why Wubbzy and Daizy have different actors.
- Occasionally, Wubbzy (or any other characters) Will break the 4th wall.
- Most of the guest stars (The Wubbgirlz, Stu, etc.) have bigger roles here.
- The Animation is made by Mondo Media and Chris Savino, The Latter who worked on The Loud House, another Nickelodeon show.
- Some of the episodes are crossovers. One of them involved Wubbzy meeting The Banana Splits.
- Occasionally, There are TV-PG episodes, though the show's episodes are mainly TV-Y7.
- Walden and Wubbzy are the only characters who wear shoes.
- The Unreleased SML Crossover is on very few DVDs. Very Few Find These Copies.
- Walden is the only member of the Wubbzy Gang who lacks gloves.
- Stu lacks his mustache and his purple “hair“ is a wig.
Asshole Victim: Stu. Every bad thing he does always comes back to Bite him in the ass.
Butt-Monkey: Needless to say, the characters are quite often put through heck most of the time (Especially Stu).
Beware the Nice Ones: Wubbzy gets very angry at Stu when he tricks him into a scam, and he full on beats the crap out of Stu, making a very huge battle to the point where The Wubbgirlz and Wubbzy's Friends have to pull them apart.
Half The Man He Used to Be: Wubbzy dies when he gets ripped in half by a bulldozer.
Nightmare Fuel: Where to even start? The Deaths are horrifying and violent, especially that one scene where Wubbzy rips off Stu's face.
Precision F-Strike: Wubbzy, of all characters, in the episode, "1 2, Wubbzy's Coming for You", says, "WOW WOW, A**HOLES!"
Fliqpy Style: Wubbzy now has a personality where if he is angered, He Turns into, "Wuddzy," A psychopathic version of him, which scares everyone, even his own friends.
My God, What have I Done?: In The Episode, "Flipped-Out Wubbster," Wubbzy shows some remorse for being mad Widget and Daizy. He Pees on Stu's corpse because he hates him.
Chair Swing: Wubbzy beats Pinkie Pie to a fight with a chair.
Killer Robot: Gidget.
Berserk Button: Wubbzy is usually well meaning, but when he hears a gunshot, prepare for him to go insane.
Lethally Stupid: Earl. In fact, In, "You Spin Me Right 'Round," He scares all 4 members of The Wubbzy Gang (To be fair, Wubbzy kept telling him to keep spinning faster.)
Baseball Episode: Walden tries to play baseball in the episode “Batter Up!”, only to hit Stu in the head with the bat.
Music Video: There was actually a crossover music video of Fall Out Boy and Wow Wow Wubbzy in the official music video for "The Tra La La Song".
Perversion Potential: Wubbzy often does this in the crossover episodes, but he is mainly this to Daizy.
Trademark Favorite Food: The Wubbzy Gang loves The Incredibles ice cream so much, they’ll go to extremes to get it. They also have a meat obsession.
Food Fetish: The Gang has an extreme ice cream and meat fetish.
Crossover Redesign: With the exception of Happy Wubb Friends, (Since The Characters are Drawn in the exact same style) The Wubbzy Characters are redesigned to look like a real character in the crossover universe they are in. They lack the Pac-Man pupils though.
No Sir, I Don't Like It: The reason there was never an SML crossover is due to Jeffy's hatred.
A Deadly Scary Weapon: The Wubbzy Gang keep weapons in the Basement, Along With Portals, As Revealed in An Interview with Kenn Nevarro and Bob Boyle, Which is how they travel to various dimensions. The Only One They Never Use Is The SML Portal Because Wubbzy says he Saw what was in the portal, and he nearly crap His Pants. Walden destroyed it with an axe.
What Could Have Been: There Was Originally Going To Be an SML Crossover, but it was scrapped. However, There is a sketched and fully voiced unreleased cut. The only known Color Version is owned by Bob Boyle, and there are videos of the entire episode.
Wubbzy kicks all members of his posse in the nuts at the end of Return to Wuzzlewood.
Funny Moments[]
The Entire Rugrats crossover. Angelica tries to murder Walden in various ways, like running him over with an SUV, Stu having love with Widget and calling her, "Hunny Bunny," With Drew looking very annoyed, Wubbzy trying to EAT Tommy, and Daizy being annoyed by Chuckie.
Walden breaking wind on Charlotte Pickles and killing her from the stench of his farts. Talk about impolite!
The fact that Drew’s new design has him wearing a wife beater and jeans. His death is also very hilarious. Wubbzy puts boogers in his eyes and he frantically pulls out his eyes to get them out. His lungs collapse from all of the screaming and he falls to the floor, dead. His last words are the icing on the cake.
Widget shooting Stu Pickles in the chest 99 times. The screams Stu emits when getting shot are pretty dang funny.
Tommy getting locked in an air-proof chamber by Walden. Tommy dies the second Walden puts him in.
Wubbzy kills Phil and Lil by shoving a vacuum down Phil's throat, causing it to Vacuum up his insides, and he kills Lil by strangling her with a rope.
Drew: T-Tell A-A-Angelica... to fuck... off... for me... *dies*
Walden getting decapitated by Twilight’s horn in My Little Wubbzy. Wubbzy’s remark is comedy gold.
Wubbzy: Looks like you just got Uni-HORNED!
Daizy telling Rarity to shut the hell up before killing her.
Wubbzy has sex with Pinkie Pie, and she seems to enjoy it. Applejack...... Finds it kind of creepy.
Widget pulling out a machine gun to shoot down Rainbow Dash. The sounds Discord makes when he gets shot instead are very damn hilarious.
In The Episode, "The Wubbsons," The Simpsons and Wubbzy crossover, Wubbzy kills Bart by Literally Shoving his shorts down his throat.
In, "The Wubbzy Splits," How The Splits Die is genuinely hilarious. Fleegle gets run over by The Wubbmobile, Bingo gets his neck snapped by Wubbzy, Daizy decapitates Drooper with a golf club, and Walden murders Snorky by cutting him open with a chainsaw.
The Entire DaddyOFive Crossover. Wuddzy (Flipped-Out version of Wubbzy) constantly attacks Alex non-stop, Widget tries to use science to find out why Cody’s vocal cords are the strongest thing he’s ever seen, Walden constantly attacks Ryan and Jake, And Daizy keeps trying to bury Cody alive.
Pretty much the Whole Peppa Pig Crossover. Wubbzy kills Daddy Pig and Mummy Pig and eats their bacon and pork chops, much to Peppa and George's horror, Daizy brutally maims Suzy, Danny, and Freddy, Walden beats the crap out of Pedro and kills him, and Widget burns down the school with the kids and Madame Gazelle inside.
”Batter Up!” ’Nough said. The episode’s deaths are absolutely absurd, and brutal.
Mickey Mouse Wubb-House is extremely hilarious because of some of the deaths. For Example, Mickey gets decapitated by a plate Wubbzy threw.
Forklift Fuck Ups. ‘Nuff said.
The Ways that The Wubbzy Gang kill everyone in, "Wubbzykids Adventure," Is hilarious. For Example, Wubbzy rips off Hobbyfrog's Legs and eats them.
The Wubbzy Gang's torture in Snoozin' on the Job is hilarious and well deserved, mainly for Wubbzy, due to him not working when anyone else tells him to, but does when Shine tells him.
Wubbzy telling Stu to get a job using alphabet soup.
Soccer Shenanigans. ‘Nuff said.
Daizy kicking Tito Turtle in the balls.
Nightmare Fuel[]
The Incredibles Jack-Jack Cookie Crumble ice cream obsession the Wubbzy Gang has. They’ll go to such extremes to get their precious ice cream because it’s flavor is “like Heaven being poured into their mouths.” Not to mention that Widget got into a big fight with Arthur’s dad, David, to get the ice cream. Walden even breaks his neck! Damn!
WUDDZY. 'Nough Said. Everything about him is just horrifying! His sharp teeth and Red Eyes are horrifying to look at.
The Wubbzy Gang each have a massive Meat Fetish, even going as far to massacre everyone just for some meat.
How Wubbzy kills Donald in Mickey Mouse Wubb-house. He puts him in the oven, and he explodes.
Wubbzy mixing with Flain in Wubb-Zels is horrifying, especially The Two Screaming in pain while doing so.
Wubbzy killing His Posse at the end of Return to Wuzzlewood.
Earl's Cap's funeral.