When Puppets Attack is a movie in Crossover Town.
A group of Baby Einstein puppets possessed by demons inflict their rain of terror in the world.
Funny Animals: The puppets were funny animals.
Big Bad: Vincent Van Goat.
Token Good Teammate: Fozzie. He actually
Nightmare Fuel: Some of the kills the puppets do are horrifying.
Could Have Avoided This: If the cult members didn't use the puppets, this whole movie could’ve been avoided.
What An Idiot: The cult members.
You'd Expect: That at least one would realize this isn't a good idea.
You’d Also Expect: Them to use something that won't be able to kill them, like amethyst.
Instead: The dumbasses use the puppets.
Misty the Mouse[]
Lizzy the Tiger[]
Fozzie the Otter[]
- Multiple cult members are killed by the puppets.
(A group of puppets were thrown into a pentagram.)
Cult Member: I, in the name of Violence, Call a possession!
(When the lightning strikes, a red mist enters the puppets.)
Cult Member: Huh?
(The puppets come to life as the goat grabs a dagger.)
Vincent Van Goat: Starry night, bitch....
(They brutally massacre the cult members.)
Isaac the Lion: Bloody!