When Sunshine goes missing, it's up to Olivia, Dani, and Brooke to decipher where her whereabouts are.
Episode Summary[]
Sunshine is hanging out with Jake at his place. They're bopping to some music and eating some Wendy's. All of a sudden, two gangster looking men bust into the place. Jake wonders what this is all about. The leader, whose name is Anthony, takes Sunshine. The other, Rob, says they have unfinished business with her. Jake tries giving chase to them, but Rob throws a creme pie at Jake's face. Jake finds this very cartoony. Jake knows who he can call to try and solve this case. He gives Olivia a call. Olivia is busy hanging out at Dani and Brooke's when she gets the call. She wonders if Dani and Brooke wanna go on an adventure. Dani is all for it, especially after the time they stopped Olivia from being evil she's been itching for more action.
Olivia, Dani, and Brooke meet up with Jake to help figure out where Sunshine could've disappeared to. Jake isn't sure where the gangsters went because they threw a pie at his face. Brooke wonders if it was boysenberry at three o' clock. Olivia thinks they should at least try and follow the tire tracks they made for skidding away so fast. Dani thinks that's a good place to start. Elsewhere, Sunshine wonders what Anthony and Rob want with her. Anthony says that they were sent by the Fateful Five to capture all of the heroes in town. This is just the start of their plan. Sunshine wonders if they've captured anyone else. Rob shows them Mikayla, Hailey, Alison, and Emma. Sunshine can't believe they're doing this. Anthony hopes that all of the heroes are captured by the end of the day.
With the three girls, the tracks stop. Brooke wonders what they're supposed to do now. Dani thinks she sees one of Sunshine's scrunchies on the ground. Olivia does recognize it, with a coffee stain on it from that one terrible day at work she had. Olivia does the wind direction trick with her finger and senses Sunshine nearby. Dani wonders how she was able to figure that out. Brooke stopped questioning the stuff they did on this show after the Halloween party. The girls head to where Olivia believes Sunshine is at. With Anthony and Rob, they're busy looking for their next hero targets. That's when they spot Aubrey, Megan, and Hannah. Sunshine is furious at them. She manages to break free from her trap. Anthony is shocked. Sunshine frees Mikayla, Hailey, Alison, and Emma in the process.
Olivia, Dani, and Brooke arrive at the scene to see Sunshine freed. Olivia is glad to see that Sunshine is okay. Dani is surprised to see the others there as well. Anthony wonders where these three new girls came from. Rob doesn't know, but thinks it's time to show them a lesson. Everyone engages in an epic showdown, but of course, the heroes come out victorious. Anthony and Rob are arrested on the scene, and Anthony vows that they will continue their plan... in approximately 120 days. Sunshine thanks Olivia, Dani, and Brooke for coming to find her. Brooke thinks the quest was fun. Emma thinks this is great and all, but wonders what they do now. Alison then invites everyone over to her lakeside property for a party. Olivia can get down with that.
Production Information[]
- There is no CGI used in this episode
- The Kaitlin characters were originally not planned to appear. Their sudden inclusion has an unknown reason
- Twelfth time a different opening sequence is used instead of the original opening theme song
- Sixteenth time the fourth wall is broken
- "The Great Tower" from Super Mario 3D World is heard as the opening title theme
- Jake and Sunshine can be heard listening to "Rodeo" by Lil Nas X
- The same picture from "Olivia Heroes" is seen in Dani and Brooke's living room
- Dani has been craving action since "The Olivia Movie"
- "Midnight Owl" from Sonic Lost World is heard when Jake explains the dilemma to Olivia
- Olivia mentions the events of "What We Call A Pilot Episode..."
- Brooke stopped questioning the show's events after "Olivia's Halloween Party"
- "Ninja College" from ARMS is heard during the fight scene