The Sherlock Yack Movie is an upcoming American R-Rated horror movie based on the 2011 French cartoon of the same name.
It has Sherlock Yack with a gory axe, Hermione with robotic parts exposed, Kyle the kangaroo with a mallet & Sophie the skunk remain unchanged.
Sherlock Yack - a brown yak
Hermione - an ermine
Kyle - a wrestling kangaroo
Sophie - a skunk gardener
Gemma, Gabe & Gunter - 3 guinea pigs
Rocker - a howler monkey
Mr. Prickles - a porcupine
Bennie - an emerald tree boa
Olwyn - an ostrich
Faith - a fennec fox
Garria - a gazelle
Sonnet - a seal
Owen - an okapi
Pat - a piranha
Chef Panda - a panda bear
Mrs. Panda - a panda bear
George - a grizzly bear
Lefty - a lion
Gondor - a gorilla
Ben - a beaver
Tennie - an tiger
Gina - a garter snake
Cartier - a chameleon
Bobby - a baboon
Curtis - a coyote
Parker - a peacock
Odelia - an octopus
Cristy - a chihuahua
Hudson - a hyena
Pauline - a penguin
Merlin - Myna
Tatum - a turtle
Dr. Beaky - a duck
Ruben - rockhopper penguin
Mr. Chomper - a crocodile
Postman Porte - a pelican
Sabrina - a white stork
Christina - a crane
Korney - a koala bear
Lemire - a lemur
Speedy Roger - a raccoon
- Sherlock throws an axe on Kerrison's head.
- Lincoln's throat ripped out by Hermione.
- Owen strangles Darryl.
Animatronic Deaths[]
- The musician easily hits Korney with a guitar.
- Sherwood spills water at Ben.
- 3 kids beating up the
Asshole Victim:
- In the opening, a musician brutally hits Korney with a guitar.
- A 3-year-old child full on kicks Bobby's ass using a shotgun.
Nightmare Fuel: The whole film, literally.
Tearjerker: Sophie dies without her hear
Token Good Teammate: Sophie destroys Sherlock by ripping his head open.
The Pervert: Garria watch a sexy couple.
- The characters were officially like at Crossover Town.