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The Rise of Madi Shinx (formerly known as Madi Shinx's Really Big Movie) is a film by Madi Shinx based on The Madi Shinx Show. In this movie, Madi Shinx dies, and the gang has to bring her back to life. 


  • Wizenheimer
  • Madi Shinx
  • Five-Forty
  • Nicholas Baggs
  • Boom Boom
  • Mouse
  • Phoenix
  • Mystery
  • Mask/The Great Scurvian


It was just another ordinary day at the house, but Deliverboy comes to Madi Shinx's house and says that there is a bomb in Languid Town Hall and Mayor Snooki is trapped inside his office. The gang comes to the town hall, where Nicholas morphs into a bald eagle to save the mayor. After he demorphs and escapes the building, Madi Shinx has to defuse the bomb, and Boom Boom came along to help diffuse the bomb, but they cut the green wire, and the two were blown up. In the hospital, they were too injured to move. Boom Boom tells Madi that he has a few minutes to live and couldn't be saved, and when the doctor tells Madi that she could not be saved either, Boom Boom dies. Later on, a bunch of people, including the mayor, see Madi Shinx as she dies. The mayor breaks the news to everyone and they cry.

Morphs Used[]

Morpher Morph
Five-Forty Red-tailed hawk, Madi Shinx, mouse, 
Nicholas Baggs Bald eagle, dog, rhino
Madi Shinx The Ultimate (combination of elephant, red-tailed hawk, unicorn, rhino, and tiger)


The Rise of Madi Shinx/Outtakes


  • Boom Boom was originally going to be the main antagonist, but it was scrapped.
  • Before the movie, a marathon consisting of episodes from the first three seasons were broadcast on DPS. On DragonTV however, the show's fans picked five of their favorite episodes to be shown before the film.
  • This film was originally intended to be the series finale, but since DPS wanted more episodes, the show continued. This was later mentioned in Madi Shinx's Big Birthday Party, where Bully mentions about how stale the show got.
  • After the movie was made, DPS released a special issue of DPS Magazine about this film. It included interviews with the cast, an article about Madi Shinx explaining what it was like to die and come back to life, Nicholas recounting his journey to Cyber Jungle, and a comic about Bully trying to stop the Great Scurvian during the events of the movie.
  • A sequel, The War of Madi Shinx was released in 2029.