TV Fanon Wiki
The Office - A Christmas to Remember (Animal Style) poster

The spoof's poster (as seen in the end credits) created by AnimationFan2014.


On November 2024, J.B. Eagle announces that a spoof to the Christmas TV movie The Office: A Christmas to Remember will be the Christmas special of 2025.

Cast Video[]

On December 23, 2024, J.B. Eagle uploaded a cast video to the spoof.


A trailer is uploaded after the Happy New Year 2025! video, with the cast order in the description consisting of:

End Credits[]

The end credits songs are "Believe" and "God Bless Us Everyone".

Movie Used:

Clips from Movies:

The spoof's curtain call consists of:

And last but not least...

Voice Cast:

Like J.B. Eagle's other movie spoofs, this spoof ends with its poster.
