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The Object Show Crossovers Deadly Movie is a 2021 American Adult-Animated Comedy Object Show Horror Film directed by Tom Gianas and Ross Shuman and written by Gianas, Hugh Sterbakov and Zeb Wells. The film was released in October 19, 2021. It is the first Object Crossovers Animated film to be R-Rated and the Third Nickelodeon Animated Film to receive that rating, after Battle Insanity: The Cancellation.




Miner Hat


Little Pennie the Little Security Robotic Possum (Befriends with Miner Hat and Sweetaroo)

Dr. Acid Syringe (Villian)

Chicken Nugget




BFDI/A Characters

IDFB/BFB Characters

II/2 Characters

OO Characters

OU/OT Characters

OH Characters

OM Characters

BOTO Characters

OI Characters

OL Characters

Object Oppose Characters

The Strive For The Million Characters

Challenge To Win Characters

Object Lockdown Characters


Death Count[]

Parents Guide []

  • Parents be warned; This Film is REALLY NOT FOR KIDS!!
  • Sex/Nudity: Lots of it start to finish like Kite is very sexy. Lots of sex usage (done 7 times) with all nudity. Very strong sex references. A couple a friend friends are gay; they can be later seen naked at one point implying sex. Very strong use of buttocks and breast flashes.
  • Violence/Gore: Mostly comical with a lot of Blood.
  • Profanity/Swearing: Frick, Witch, Dang, Heck, Gas, Gashole, Pee, Sad, Stick, Spore, Maggot, Doe, and Bunt are all used about +300 times (not each time, but fuck is used alot, especially Motherfucker). There was also have been a total of 50 god misuses and an insult to Jews.
  • Alcohol/Drugs: the film is pretty much a stoners film; alcohol is used a lot of times.

Rating []

Rated R for Nudity, Language throughout, Blood and Gore, Sex, Drug References


  • It's the First Horror Nickelodeon Film to be released a R-Rated Film.
  • Little Pennie is a based character of Penny Possum from The Possum County Country Diner Place.


Paramount Animation

Nickelodeon Movies

PlanetBucket22 Animation Films
