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The Buzz on Maggie Movie is a 2022 American horror comedy film based on the Disney Channel television series of the same name. It will be aired on September 15, 2022 on Comedy Central for the Halloween event.


The Poster has Maggie Pesky with an axe, Aldrin Pesky with his robotic parts exposed, Chauncey Pesky with a robotic leg, Frieda Pesky with sharp teeth and a bloody mallet, Dawn Swatworthy with a flamethrower, Rayna Cartflight with a knife and Pupert Pesky remaining unchanged.


A girl and her family attend a taping of The Buzz on Maggie, unaware the animatronic rock band has just learned that their show is about to be cancelled, never plan to let that happen. As the body count quickly rises, Jessie's family and their new pals must escape from the animatronics, or be their audience... forever.


Jessie Johnson is a huge fan of The Buzz On Maggie, a successful children's television series featuring seven animatronic characters — Maggie Pesky, Aldrin Pesky, Dawn Swatworthy, Chauncey, Frieda, Rayna Cartflight and Pupert Pesky — along with their human co-star Jerry. On her birthday, Jessie's mother Nancy and her father Wilbur take her to a live taping at Taft Studios with her older half-brother Maxie and her school classmate Barden. Upon arrival, the family meet several audience and staff members like the show's hostess Nexxie and her assistant Milo, fan couple Blake and Marie, aspiring young performer Carrie with her father Xander and security guard Harry.

As the taping is getting ready, the studio's new vice president of programming, Bennie, informs the show's producer Lassa that he is cancelling the show after the recording. After learning this, The Buzz On Maggie Characters' new software updates malfunction, with Maggie Pesky kidnapping Bennie and Frieda Pesky thrusting a prop lollipop down Jerry's throat, killing him. Outside the studio, Nancy learns Wilbur is cheating on her. As she returns to the studio, Wilbur finds Harry's decapitated corpse and is then chased and run over by Pupert Pesky.

Meanwhile, Marie accepts Blake's marriage proposal while blogging the backstage before Aldrin Pesky arrives and murders Blake by sawing him in half. Aldrin leaves Marie when he hears Jessie and Barden looking for Pupert, taking them to the workshop. He traps them with Carrie, who Maggie kidnapped while Xander's face was burned by Frieda as they were looking for Andy for an audition. The remaining survivors learn about The Buzz On Maggie' carnage after finding a seriously injured Jonathan. While Lexie finds all phones disconnected and the confiscated cells destroyed, Nancy manages to defeat Maggie before she and Maxie find Marie and convince her to join them.

At the same time, Lisa and Xander are forced to participate in the show's obstacle course, with Xander stabbed to death by Aldrin with a key while Lisa wins before Chauncey Pesky smashes her face with a hammer. Jessie, Barden and Carrie meet The Buzz On Maggie' creator, Damien, who considers his creations' actions justified by the show's cancellation and conflicted over freeing the children. Chauncey Pesky, Dawn Swatworthy and Frieda Pesky bring Maggie for repairs, causing Damien to get distracted enough for the kids to escape and lock him in his own cell. Meanwhile, After they leave, Dawn and Rayna attack Johnny, but he kills Rayna by swinging a chair at her head and kills Dawn by shoving her head in the furnace, burning her to death.

While looking for a way out, Jessie, Barden and Carrie come across Pupert Pesky and convince him to help them. Nancy, Maxie, Nexxie, and Marie arrive at the workshop to ask Damien how to stop The Buzz On Maggie; he does not provide any information, but the group hear music coming from a hatch in the floor. The others go down while Marie sees a unused Animatronic Character Lacey Ladybug, she puts on a costume and kills Damien by decapitating him as her revenge for Blake's death. Finding the underground passage littered with the corpses of Milo, the studio's staff and the adult audience members, the group discover Aldrin and Frieda holding children hostage while performing gruesome variants of their acts, like burning Jerry's corpse and brutally murdering Bennie by ripping his limbs off.

Pupert arrives and chains Jessie, Barden and Carrie with the other kids, but secretly gives Jessie the keys to free them. Nancy and Max manage to destroy Aldrin and Frieda while Carrie guides all the kids to the exit. Nancy, Maxie and Jessie meet up with Nexxie and Barden before being cornered by Maggie. Suddenly, Pupert attacks Maggie and rips her head open, destroying her before deactivating himself from critical damage sustained. As the police and paramedics arrive to attend survivors, Max and Nexxie start a romantic relationship. Left, behind, Wilbur gets run over again, this time by a Truck driven by Marie (dressed as Lacey Ladybug) with The Animatronics' remains in the back. As she drives off, Aldrin is seen reactivating and laughing maniacally.




  1. Jerry: Lollipop shoved down throat by Frieda Pesky.
  2. Blake: Sawed in half by Aldrin Pesky.
  3. Harry the Security Guard: Decapitated.
  4. Xander: Burnt, later stabbed in back w/ key by Aldrin.
  5. Lisa: Head smashed open w/ hammer by Chauncey Pesky.
  6. Damien: Decapitated with Axe by Marie.
  7. Milo: Found w/ drumsticks in his eyes.
  8. 18 Audience / Crew Members: Found dead in a pile.
  9. Bennie: Ripped limb from limb by Aldrin and Frieda.
  10. Willbur Johnson: Run over by a Truck driven by Marie.

Non Counted Deaths:[]

  1. Rayna Cartflight: Head detached with chair.
  2. Dawn Swatworthy: Pushed into the furnace.
  3. Aldrin Pesky: Stabbed in his gut by Jessie.
  4. Chauncey Pesky: Hit with a Guitar by Nancy.
  5. Frieda Pesky: Stabbed in her mouth with Crowbar.
  6. Maggie Pesky: Head Ripped Open by Pupert.
  7. Pupert Pesky: Deactivated after core ripped out by Maggie.


  • Absentee Actor: Eugene, Bella, Wendall, Carmela, and Maria are not in the movie. However, They will be in a sequel.
  • Action Mom: Nancy takes this role to protect her children.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Needless to say, the 2005 versions of Aldrin, Maggie, Rayna, and Pupert would never, ever, ever, ever, ever do any of the horrifying things their 2020 movie counterparts did. Although Pupert escapes this as the Token Good Teammate.
  • Aerosol Flamethrower: Frieda uses an aerosol can and Andy’s dropped and lit cigar to do this to Jonathan.
  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Due to errors in their programming, The Buzz On Maggie take the phrase "The show must go on" a little too seriously...
  • Ambiguous Disorder: Jessica is very immature for her age, is always "in her own little world" according to his brother, believes in fairies, only has one friend (possibly two by the end), and is seen as weird by the other kids in school.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Derek’s fate when Frieda and Aldrin perform the “banana split” on him.
  • And Show It to You: During the Pupert vs. Maggie fight, Maggie reaches into Pupert's chest and rips out a piece of machinery. While not a literal heart, it's blatantly -shaped, is leaking fluid, and a heartbeat sound effect plays as it gets torn out.
  • Ascended Fanboy: Jason is a fan of the In-Universe Buzz On Maggie show, and he gets to see them live for his birthday.
  • Asshole Victim: Jerry, Wilbur, and Andy. In fact, most of people whose deaths we see are justified by them being total dicks (Blake being the most notable exception.)
  • Audible Sharpness: Jason's extendable wand makes this sound whenever it extends. It's actually sharp enough to impale straight through Frieda’s head during the final battle!
  • Bag of Kidnapping: Maggie uses this method to capture Parker.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: Aldrin and Frieda, as they do way more than Maggie and Pupert.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Twice. The first time, Maggie manages to get Nancy in a chokehold while in his Jungle, only for Max to come back and get him off her, allowing Nancy to shove Maggie off the rafters to the ground below. The second time in the final battle, only Frieda is left standing, but he gets the upper hand over both Max and Nancy. Jason returns, throwing Nancy the extendible wand he received earlier. Stabbing it through Frieda's head is enough to finally bring him down.
  • Bittersweet Ending: The children are saved, Max and Paige are starting a relationship, and The Buzz On Maggie have been destroyed. However, much of the main cast is still dead (Though admittedly some really had it coming) and poor Marie has been driven insane from the traumatic events that happened, she then drives off with the remains of The Buzz On Maggie who all may not be out of commission after all.
  • Bloodier and Gorier: Needless to say, The Buzz On Maggie was definitely not this violent.
  • Bond One-Liner: Aldrin after sawing Blake in half, says, "Ta-daaaaaa!"
  • Bullying a Dragon: Jerry's nasty behavior towards The Animatronics makes him the first person to die.
  • Canon Foreigner: There wasn't a character named Jerry in the original 1968 series nor was there a fifth female member of The Buzz On Maggie, an owl named Hooty.
  • Casanova Wannabe: Within moments of  Paige, Max tries to get her number, only to immediately retract it after realizing how awkward it sounded. At the end of the film, he asks again and manages to get it.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • The extendable wand Max gives Jason for his birthday is used to take out Frieda at the end.
    • In a villainous example, Lisa complains early on about one of the prop hammers not being big enough. Frieda later kills her with that very same hammer.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Almost all deaths from the hands of The Animatronics are particularly painful and gruesome.
    • Jerry gets a lollipop forcibly shoved into his throat, suffocating to death.
    • Blake gets brutally sawed in half by Aldrin.
    • Jonathan gets his face burnt, then has his back ripped open by Aldrin.
    • Andy gets nailed to the "Wheel of Endings", then gets his limbs forcibly severed by The Animatronics.
    • Wilbur gets run over by Pupert’s  twice.
  • Dance Party Ending: Jason notes that every episode of the show ends with the "Rock Out" choice when Andy lands on the "Banana Split" choice on the Wheel of Endings before his death. Also happens over the credits, with The Animatronics dancing to the theme song.
  • Darker and Edgier: Taking a kid-friendly (if a bit weird) show and turning it into a bloody horror movie? It doesn't get darker and edgier than that.
  • Dark Reprise: A lower-pitched version of the show's theme song plays in the second half of the trailer.
  • Drop the Hammer: How Frieda kills Lisa.
  • The End... Or Is It?: The movie ends with Marie, driving off and escaping in a Truck with the remains of The Buzz On Maggie, casually running over and killing Wilbur, and laughing maniacally the whole time, while Aldrin re-activates.
  • Entitled Bastard: Wilbur genuinely expects Nancy to forgive him after constantly cheating on her and being unfaithful. Unsurprisingly, Nancy calls it off with him.

Wilbur: I don't want to be with Kara. I want you. I love you, Nancy.

(Nancy decks Wilbur to the ground)

Nancy: I want a divorce.

  • Eye Scream: One person gets killed by having Rayna's drumsticks shoved through his eyes.
  • Final Boss: Maggie is the final obstacle to the heroes at the end of the film, but she gets defeated by Pupert at the cost of the latter's life.
  • Forced to Watch: Marie is forced to watch while Blake is sawed in half. The trauma from this is what eventually causes her Sanity Slippage later.
  • For the Evulz: Andy cancels The Buzz On Maggie Show for no reason beyond it being "old and lame", despite it seemingly still being popular with audiences.
  • Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: Bennie is seen puffing on a cigar to establish that he's a sleazy asshole in a position of authority.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Damien, who created The Buzz On Maggie who later go on a killing spree.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: Aldrin does the "saw a man in half" magic trick — with a real saw, and gory results.
  • Hate Sink:
    • Jerry is the token human of the Buzz On Maggie television series. A rude, lazy, selfish alcoholic, Jerry sexually harasses Paige and torments the animatronics with the knowledge that their show was to be cancelled before becoming the first to fall victim to their killing spree when a lollipop prop is lodged down his throat.
    • Andy is the studio executive of Taft Studios who was indirectly responsible for The Animatronics' spree by cancelling the show for no other reason than considering it boring, and wanting to do something "cool and edgy" — essentially putting multiple people out of a job all on a selfish whim. He gets the worst death at the hands of the animatronics when he gets tied to the new Wheel of Endings and won the "banana split".
    • Wilbur is the husband of Nancy Williams and the father of Max and Jason. Irritated that his wife was giving his sons more attention, he has an affair with a coworker (not to mention being smugly dismissive of Max and joking about how Jason came within a hair's breadth of being run over), and when she finds out, he gets all huffy and acts like the affair is all Nancy's fault. Of course, he gets ran over by Pupert's Banana Buggy. Twice.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: When Maggie has the survivors cornered at the climax, Pupert comes out of nowhere to fight her and save the survivors, killing Maggie but not before Maggie pulls a And Show It to You.
  • Hidden Depths: Early in the movie, Max seems to be kind of a Lazy Bum not doing much with his life at 19. Over the course of the movie he's shown to be very perceptive and one of the most likable characters of the film such as getting his brother backstage privileges at the show and being the most angry at Wilbur's infidelity.
  • Hope Spot:
    • Lisa manages to finish the Sloppy Time course alive, only for Frieda to be waiting at the end with a hammer to finish her off.
    • Wilbur manages to find the gate attendant and begs him for help, but one of The Animatronics decapitated him off-screen. Wilbur shakes his shoulder to get his attention, and his head falls clean off.
  • Hostile Animatronics: The Animatronics go from being people in costumes to being animatronics. Naturally, this trope comes into play.
  • Infant Immortality: Played With. While The Animatronics never attack any children, it's pointed out that their ultimate plan (kill all the adults and chain all the children to the seats, so they can watch their show forever) will ultimately lead to their deaths via starvation or dehydration. Presumably, The Animatronics (being robots) didn't know that humans need food to survive. In terms of storytelling, however, the trope is played straight — all of the children, including Jessie and Zoe, survive the events of the film.
  • Laughing Mad: Marie at the end, as she drives away with the remains of The Buzz On Maggie.
  • Lightmare Fuel: While the horror is played straight, the ridiculousness of the premise itself and dashes of Black Comedy make for a movie that's as genuinely scary as it is twistedly funny.
  • Long Runner: The show has apparently been running for nearly 40 years in the universe of the movie.
  • Monster Sob Story: Losing their show, and being told that they're going to be ripped apart for use at a theme park, is what causes The Buzz On Maggie to go berserk.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • The Buzz On Maggie tape their show at Taft Studios. Hanna-Barbera was owned by Taft Broadcasting of Ohio for many years, including during the time they made the original show. (And yes, they were the same Taft as William Howard Taft.)
    • Aldrin having a magic show is a reference to the Great Fleegali segments from the original series, where he and Pupert would perform magic acts while Maggie and Frieda watched.
  • Neck Lift: Aldrin does this to Lisa as she's forced to do the "Sloppy Time course", and Frieda does this to Nancy as she tries to fight them.
  • Nice Character, Mean Actor: Jerry is a nice and friendly character on the show (if a little creepy, due to being a grown man playing what seems to be a child character), but behind the scenes he's a complete jerk, as well as an alcoholic. His awful behavior makes him the first person to die when The Buzz On Maggie go haywire.
  • Nice Guy: Max is pretty good big brother to Jason. He gets him a brand new wand for his birthday after his old one broke and later asks Paige if she can pull some strings to let Jason come backstage after the show.
  • Off-Model: The costumes used for The Animatronics are different than that of the original series. Most visibly, Aldrin isn't as furry as he is in the original.
  • Off with His Head!: The gate attendant gets his head lopped off by one of The Buzz On Maggie.
  • 1-Dimensional Thinking: Wilbur is chased by one of the Cars early on. Despite being next to a waist-high wall that the car wouldn't possibly be able to get over, he never tries to climb up to get away, not that it would have made much of a difference, as seen when he reaches the security guard.
  • Periphery Demographic: In-Universe, Blake and Marie are huge fans of The Buzz On Maggie show, and end up being the only adults in the audience who aren't accompanied by their kids.
  • Reality Ensues: So, Nancy finds out that Wilbur has been cheating on her with his assistant, and not only that, but he's been nothing but smug and dismissive to their children and, when confronted on his infidelity, acts like the affair was all Nancy's fault because she wasn't paying enough attention to him. So, when Wilbur returns to her at the end of the movie declaring that he still loves her, what does Nancy do? What any sane person would: she punches his lights out and declares that she wants a divorce.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: After Jerry’s Bullying a Dragon moment, Frieda's eyes glow red, showing that things are going to start going to Hell.
  • Sanity Slippage:
    • Karl goes insane during the film, for reasons never explained. Maybe he was already insane to start off with, but still.
    • After Aldrin forces her to witness Blake's murder, Marie completely loses it, killing Karl and escaping with the broken remains of The Buzz On Maggie at the end.
  • The Scrappy: In-universe, both the audience and the crew hate Jerry, which is really understandable.
  • Show Within a Show: The Buzz On Maggie Show is presented as one in the context of the film.
  • Stage Dad: Jonathan, whose main reason for attending the show is to get his daughter an acting job. He gets killed, and his daughter chooses to quit acting in the end.
  • Subverted Kids Show: The Buzz On Maggie show is a popular kids show In-Universe. Then the bodies start piling up...
  • Tank-Top Tomboy: Nancy sports a red one when she becomes an Action Mom.
  • Tempting Fate: "You don't have to be scared, honey. It's just a puppet." Cue Frieda lighting Jonathan's face on fire.
  • Token Good Teammate: Pupert is the only animatronic that doesn't kill anybody over the course of the film, and helps Jason to escape by sneaking him a set of keys.
  • Token Human: Jerry.
  • Token Good Teammate: Pupert
  • Tranquil Fury: After Wilbur "apologizes" for his behavior to Nancy, she decks him and flatly tells him she wants a divorce. She doesn't shout, but you can tell she's legitimately enraged at him.
  • Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: The routine that Jonathan has Parker do for Lisa involves her singing a pretty risqué song. Lisa is quick to stop it, calling the whole thing "disturbing".
  • Unexplained Recovery: Earlier in the film, Maggie gets thrown off a catwalk and is badly damaged (he's still clearly alive, but too broken to even walk). Later on, she returns just fine with no explanationnote . It's possible that Marie had something to do with it.
  • Your Cheating Heart: Early on, it's revealed that Wilbur is cheating on Nancy with his assistant.


  • Alternate Character Interpretation:
    • Was the cancellation of the show the real cause of The Animatronics turning murderous, or would the update they were given have turned psychotic no matter what happened?
    • Pupert in this movie has several. Was he the Token Good Teammate all along or was it a Heel–Face Turn upon seeing Jason? Also, while he is the only one who didn't kill, he clearly tried to run over Wilbur with the  and did injure him. Could this have been Pupert trying to get payback for Wilbur cheating on Nancy? Did Pupert turn on the others just for Jason's sake, or is it because he knows that murdering the adults and forcing the children to watch the show forever won't bring them their show back and that the band will now be remembered not as child entertainers but as murderous monsters?
  • Angst? What Angst?: One of the primary issues most people complain about. A lot of the characters seem to take the terrifying situation they're in relatively lightly. In particular, Jason never seems scared throughout the whole movie, and even wisecracks during the ending.
  • Broken Base: Some people hate it for changing the tone of the original from a kids show to a horror film amongst other things, while others don't mind the film and find the horror turn intriguing.
  • Heartwarming Moments: Blake's proposal to Marie, which is done on the set of the show they love and streamed to all their followers.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
    • This hypothetical fusion of The Buzz On Maggie and Five Nights at Freddy's predates the movie by several years. Cue the artist being called a prophet.
    • Andy wanting to do something "cool and edgy" becomes this when you remember Hanna-Barbera eventually did something cool and edgy in the past.
  • Nausea Fuel:
    • Jerry having tons of blood pouring out of his mouth after Frieda forcibly shoves a lollipop down his throat.
    • The results of Blake getting sawed in half.
    • Jonathan's spine getting exposed after having his back cut open by Aldrin.
    • The "Wheel of Endings", where Andy is given the "Banana Split".
  • Older Than They Think:
    • The Hostile Animatronics trope is nothing new in pop culture; however, since Five Nights at Freddy's is one of the most famous examples of it, that's all people have been comparing this film to.
    • Likewise, as a Hanna-Barbera property, this isn't the first time one of their works was dramatically re-purposed into something more adult-orientated than before; [adult swim] got their start by remixing HB properties into shows like Space Ghost Coast to Coast or Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law.
    • This isn't the first The Buzz On Maggie have been given a Darker and Edgier reimagining. This comic from 2017 shows them teaming up with The Suicide Squad.
  • So Okay, It's Average: Currently holds a 5.0 on IMDB. Generally, it's agreed that the movie is fine, with some pretty good effects on both the animatronics and the gore, but the plot is weak and the characters are very flimsy. It's pretty much your run-of-the-mill horror movie, with the only thing making it stand out from the crowd being the source material.
  • Special Effects Failure:
    • While the gore effects are appropriately disgusting and surprisingly convincing for a Syfy movie, the blood splatters that sometimes accompany them are obviously added in post production.
    • Marie running down Wilbur is also a rather dodgy composite shot.
  • Spiritual Adaptation: As the actual film based off of it is currently stuck in Development Hell, this is the closest thing we have to a Five Nights at Freddy's movie.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: Fans of the  were angered by this being a horror film rather than a more faithful take on the series.
  • They Copied It, So It Sucks!: A number of people are put off by how similar the film seems to Five Nights at Freddy's. See Older Than They Think above. Ironically, there are rumors that the screenplay for this film was in fact originally supposed to be for a FNAF film but it fell apart due to disagreements with the creator, so WB re-purposed it into a Splits movie instead.
  • What an Idiot!: During the "Banana Split" of the network's owner, the children have to be told that they can close their eyes and not watch.
  • The Woobie: Many of the characters count, but Marie probably takes the cake. She's Forced to Watch her fiancé get sawed in half right after he proposes to her, and the trauma from that ends up causing her to snap and take on the role of the fifth Banana Split, Hooty.


Some of the moments of this movie reach Black Comedy territory.

  • At the end of the film when Pupert and Frieda are fighting, despite the robotic sound effects, it's abundantly clear it's just two guys in mascot costumes. It looks ridiculous with how unwieldy it is.
  • During the intro for the TV show, Frieda accidentally runs his car into a police  and proceeds to run away from what's essentially a hit and run.
  • Lisa's "No. Just... No" Reaction to the dance routine Jonathan has Parker do for her.

Lisa: That is disturbing.

  • As morbid as this sounds, some of the death scenes are just so over-the-top that it's damn near impossible not to crack a smile.
    • Jerry gets a cartoonishly oversized lollipop crammed down his throat in a way that would probably never be able to happen in real life; later on, The Animatronics immolate Jerry's body before dropping a one-liner worthy of Freddy Kruger.

Aldrin: Silly Jerry, smoking's bad for ya health!

  • How is the show's producer killed? With the same giant hammer she demanded earlier, of course. Her flat reaction as she realizes what is happening just sells it.
    • In a scene that seems like it would be right at home in a cartoon, The Animatronics have Andy nailed by his hands and feet to a giant wheel that they spin to decide how to finish him off. Andy trying desperately to wield his corporate authority to the killer animatronics as if he's actually expecting that to work is the icing on the cake.
  • At the end of the movie, after a long absence since Pupert mowed him down, Wilbur approaches Nancy with an Anguished Declaration of Love as he tries to apologize for what he did (i.e. cheating on her, being a dick to the kids, and blaming her for the affair.) At first, it looks like Nancy will forgive him. A heartwarming reconciliation between the married couple? Nope! Instead Nancy decks the asshole and demands a divorce.
    • Then, immediately afterward, we see Wilbur chasing after the ambulances, demanding treatment for his injuries... then he gets run over again, with the same car as before, no less. Karma's a bitch, ain't it?
  • The end credits jolt into sudden Mood Whiplash, with a cover of the classic theme song by movie composer Patrick Stump. As the song starts to die down, Patrick can be heard saying "We killed so many people...".

Nightmare Fuel[]

The Buzz On Maggie would sound harmless from the start, right? Wrong...

  • Several of the deaths are genuinely gruesome, the one standing out in particular being Blake's grisly end. After smashing Blake's , Aldrin pushes him into a box to slice him in half. Marie begs to him to release her fiancé, only for Aldrin to hold her in place, making her watch the magic trick. Aldrin then uses a real saw to brutally chop him. He then reveals the aftermath of the trick to Marie.
  • Jonathan and Lisa are forced to race the Sloppy Time obstacle course. Jonathan is stabbed in the back with a prop key, so deeply that his spine can be seen. Lisa makes it the end, but still gets her face bashed in with a cartoony hammer, popping an eye out of its socket.
    • While hiding in the ball pit, Paige comes across her corpse.
  • The banana split. After kidnapping the studio executive Andy, he is placed on the spinning wheel, where instead of landing on "rock out," he instead lands on "banana split." As the name would suggest, The Buzz On Maggie grab hold of Andy and they pull on his arms and legs until they broke off.
  • Jerry is killed by Frieda when the lion forces a lollipop prop down his throat, crushing his windpipe. They later immolate his corpse after showing him off to the children.
  • While they wouldn't harm a child, The Buzz On Maggie nevertheless are blissfully unaware that the children they are keeping hostage would die from starvation. It's also implied that they brutally murdered some of the children's parents.
  • The Final Battle between Maggie and Pupert ends with ripping out Pupert's robotic heart only to be killed herself by Pupert crushing her head.


  • Ashcan Copy: Inverted slightly since this was intended to be released, but this film seems to have been made by Warner Bros. in a desperate attempt to keep the Buzz's copyright from expiring given that they've barely done anything with the Splits for quite a while and to do something vaguely Five Nights at Freddy's-esque now that they've lost the film rights to FNAF.
  • Development Hell: This film is the result of numerous failed attempts to revive the Splits by Blue Ribbon Content's Executive Vice President Peter Girardi. A horror movie is what ended up getting off the ground.
  • Fake American: Everyone in the movie is played by either Canadians or South Africans.
  • Follow the Leader: The film reboot seems to be taking a number of cues from the Five Nights at Freddy's series, being about animatronics meant to entertain children apparently coming to life at night and going on a killing spree. Ironically, this is coming out before an actual film adaptation of , which has fallen into Development Hell. Seeing as how this movie was announced not long after Warner Brothers lost the film rights to FNAF, many believe they simply took the script they would have used and retooled it into the Maggie movie. Eric Bauza confirmed that this is not the case.
  • He Also Did:
    • Writers Jed Elinoff and Scott Thomas previously collaborated on My Super Psycho Sweet 16Raven's HomeRandy Cunningham: 9th Grade NinjaScooby-Doo! Mystery IncorporatedScooby-Doo! Pirates Ahoy! , and Scooby-Doo! Camp Scare.
    • The music was composed by Patrick Stump, the frontman of Fall Out Boy.
  • Meaningful Release Date: The movie was released on DVD and Blu-ray on August 27th, 2019, the same week as National Fly Day (two days after it, due to home movie releases being on the Tuesday of the week).
  • Talking to Himself: Eric Bauza voices Aldrin, Pupert, and Chauncey, and the TV show announcer.
  • Large Ass Role: Maggie's role is Extremely huge.