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When Savannah and Shannon compete to see who can be a better football game crowd supporter, things begin to get ugly in the student section.

Episode Summary[]

It is a Friday night, and everyone is getting ready to go watch the varsity boys play some football. Savannah and Shannon both wonder how much they're going to lose their voice tonight. Savannah claims she can cheer louder than Shannon. Shannon begs to differ. Olivia wonders how this is going to turn out at the game.

Once the game begins, Shannon and Savannah begin to duke it out. They both scream at the top of their lungs. Kaitlin is in shock to see them so competitive over nothing. Maddie thinks this is gonna turn out worse than that volleyball match. In an effort to win, Savannah cuts a hole in a plastic cup and screams. Shannon steals Elliot's tuba and screams into it. Savannah grabs a megaphone and screams. Brad wonders what all the commotion is and Carson wants it to stop.

Savannah and Shannon just keep on getting louder and louder. The student section and band are getting quite annoyed by them. Savannah doesn't care and wants to keep battling until she wins. Kaitlin thinks this is getting out of hand. She wants to put a stop to it. She tells everyone in the student section she's doing everything she can to try and stop this silly feud. But Savannah and Shannon want to take this out on the field. Kaitlin can tells this won't be good.

Savannah and Shannon are now fist fighting right in the middle of the game. All the football players and coaches are trying to stop the girls. Kaitlin, Olivia, Maddie, Katie, and Anna are also down there trying to stop them. Kaitlin tells them that they are taking this useless competition way too far. Savannah and Shannon both realize they're right. They hug and agree to stop. The whole crowd cheers and the football game resumes to normal.

Production Information[]

  • There is no CGI in this episode
  • There is a deleted scene where Dan tells some dirty secrets to Katie. It was cut for how vulgar it was and for time

