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The Backyardigans: Teenage Years is an upcoming TV-14 Animated Television Series made by Mondo Media. It is based of the 2004 Nickelodeon's computer-animated musical children's TV series, The Backyardigans. It will be released on Hulu in 2021.


The Backyardigans are now in their Teenage Years and they have very gory adventures.


Canon Foreigner: With the Exception of Tasha, Tyrone, Pablo, Austin, and Uniqua, none of the characters were from the original show.

Adaptational Villainy: The Backyardigans kill everyone in the crossover episodes and pretty much all the Episodes.

Asshole Victim: Tasha is this whenever she's a self centered Jerkass. Austin rarely has this. So far, he was only this in Austin the Murderer.

Crossover Episode: Most of the Episodes. The FGTEEV Crossover is the most notable for being so gory.

Adaptational Badass: Tasha manages to kick Thanos' Ass before he could do anything.

Based On: The show is Based on South Park and McJuggerNuggets.

Awesome: The crossover With The Banana Splits.

Butt-Monkey: Nothing ever seems to go right for Austin. He gets grounded by Edward for everything and the Backyardigans laugh at him.

Nutshot: Tasha usually mocks Austin by kicking him in the ballsack.

Character Inspiration: Austin is inspired by Flaky and Butters Stotch.

Accidentally Destroyed The Whole Town: In the episode, Mighty Backyard 5, The Yardley is completely destroyed except for The Milk Carton HQ.

Seen Parents: The Characters’ parents appear in the show. Tyrone’s father, Sammy, is a drug dealer, Uniqua’s mother, Doreen, works as a stripper, Pablo’s parents, Henry and Bella, run a cigarette company, Tasha’s parents own a jewelry store, and Austin has two dads, Edward and Marty.

Awesome Music: The Theme is a reprise of the Theme, but with twists.

Move Out Episode: The first episode, New Town. This is also How they met Robbie.

Karma Houdini: The Backyardigans never get punished for their actions. At least most of the time.

Karma Houdini Warranty: There have been some episodes where The Backyardigans got karma. For example, Tyrone gets sent to the basement.

The Drunk One: Good lord... Definitely Robbie.

The Animated Series: The show is hand drawn instead of CGI.

Funny: Austin poorly singing Shake It Off by Taylor Swift.

The Gay One: Austin is Bisexual, like his fathers.

Take That: One of the episodes makes fun of The Emoji Movie.


List of The Backyardigans: Teenage Years Episodes


Robbie: A grey wolf wearing a white hoodie, with green cleats. He loves Tasha with a passion, until Robbie Finds Love, where he loved Morgan.


Tyrone wears a black leather jacket, Pablo wears a brown vest and his beanie lacks the propeller, His bow tie is blue and has polka dots, (Taken from his Mr. Spiffy persona), Austin wears a red jacket, Tasha‘s shoes are blue instead of red, and Uniqua’s overalls are white.


Seth Green as Austin

Catherine Taber as Uniqua

Tom Kenny as Pablo

Trey Parker as Robbie

Seth McFarlane as Tyrone

Grey Griffin as Tasha

Mila Kunis as Morgan

Eric Bauza as Marty the Kangaroo

Tomska as Sammy the Moose
