TV Fanon Wiki

Symphony of Blood: An Ivan Tube ORIGINS Movie is a fanmade animated TV movie directed by Heidi Stevens for Mojang+.

It had a 70% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which calls it "gory but good backgrounds" in it's critical consensus.


Scarlett SlaughterHouse is taking the lives of every animal in the woodland, and it is up to Erick and Hadley to stop her from slaughtering Caden Robbat.


Main Article: Symphony Of Blood: An Ivan Tube ORIGINS Movie/Transcript



  • Big Bad: Scarlett SlaughterHouse is the main antagonist of the film, who enjoys murdering woodland animals and other children/tweens.
  • Funny: The kills.
    • Shire Lamb's lasts words before he and the rest of the woodland animals are getting crushed:
      • Shire: We all don't want to be caged together, and we don't want to brace for the harmony of untimely demise!!
  • From Stray to Pet: Melani Badger was rescued and ended up taking care of her by Caden.
  • First One Dead: Conan Fox.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Some of the kills Scarlett does are horrifying.
    • Scarlett (in Caden's mind) telling Caden she'll kill all the animals she loved.
  • The Hell is That Noise: Fifteen woodland animals all let out their screams as they are being crushed in the Human-Crusher Aleph-zero.

The children who are kidnapped by Scarlett:[]

  1. Adilia Weighart
  2. Lamon Bonadeo
  3. Amethyst Chinipardaz-Krieger
  4. Rashell Gagliardi
  5. Madelyne Copas
  6. Williany Irwin
  7. Leni Uehling
  8. Emerleigh Panepinto

Body Count[]

  • Conan Fox: Organs are coming out of his body, then dies.
  • Lilla Bear: Got her head sliced off.
  • Zolton and Jarvis Fawn: Both are shot by a gun.
  • Hardison Bear: Shot by a gun.
  • Tryson Green: Killed by Scarlett.
  • Merrill Lamb: Sliced in half by Scarlett's knife.
  • Joel Doe: Sliced in half by Scarlett's knife.
  • 15 woodland animals (Annelis Goat, Scottie Llama, Elisa Kitten, Calcifer Hedgehog, Everlei Porcupine, Jordany Chinchilla, Poppy Wolf, Addilyn Badger, Lucis Bear, Randolph Llama, Kennzie Kitten, Love Skunk, Nate Mouse, Robinson Porcupine and Shire Lamb): All murdered by Scarlett using the Human-Crusher Aleph-zero.
  • Cameren and Catia Pig: Both are seen dead on a tree.
  • Leannah Ramotar: Stabbed by Scarlett in the rectum with a knife
  • Nikkolas Mole was decapitated by Scarlett.
  • Azelynn Mouse, Liora Reindeer, Scarlett Skunk, and Lilyonna Bunny: All murdered by Scarlett SlaughterHouse. Corpses seen.

Parental Warnings[]

Violence/gore: 2/10[]

Mild. Mostly comical with a bit of blood.
