It's track season, so Savannah wants to challenge her friends to some more races. However, Kaitlin and Shannon have trouble after a big meal at Burger King.
Episode Summary[]
Savannah is enjoying the spring weather and is glad it is not snowing like it did earlier in the spring. It's also track season, which she's extremely happy about. She thinks back to when she raced her friends. She wants to do it again.
Meanwhile, Kaitlin and Shannon go to Burger King and just pig out. They eat so many cheeseburgers and fries they can't even touch their chocolate shakes. They shrug and just go for it. Shannon gets a brain freeze. Kaitlin can't help but laugh.
The next day, Kaitlin gets a text from Shannon mentioning how she doesn't feel so good from last night's dinner. Kaitlin texts her back agreeing with her. Just then, Kaitlin gets a group text from Savannah. Kaitlin groans because Savannah wants to race them again. She sighs and goes to the track, just so she doesn't disappoint her.
Savannah is glad her friends came, but checks to make sure there are no energy drinks this time. Olivia says they came clean. Savannah is glad and is ready to race. Kaitlin and Shannon aren't sure how they're gonna do. They run their first lap with no problem. Kaitlin thinks this won't be as bad as they thought. But just then, Shannon's stomach makes an uncomfortably loud gurgle.
Shannon holds back puke, but Kaitlin says she's ready for cheesy computer animated puke. Shannon throws up but Kaitlin sees the puke is hardly shown. Then she remembers they're on a kid's show But then she remembers there were guns in the last episode and wonders why that wasn't just a deleted scene. Then Kaitlin throws up.
Savannah stops what she's doing and realizes she's pushed Kaitlin and Shannon too hard. She calls the race off and checks on them. Shannon says they'll be okay. Kaitlin says it was their fault because they had Burger King last night and it didn't settle well today. Savannah understands and tells them to think a little wiser next time. Kaitlin and Shannon think she's right. Then Savannah offers a trip to Arby's. Kaitlin and Shannon pass.
Production Information[]
- CGI is used on Shannon's brain freeze and the puke
- The fourth time the fourth wall is broken
- The episode serves as a sequel to "Look Out, Here Comes Savannah!"
- "Rude" by MAGIC! is heard in Burger King
- Savannah recalls the events from "Spring Has Sprung?"
- Kaitlin recalls events from "Never Fear, Kaitlin Is Here!"
- Music from Sonic Lost World is borrowed once again. The "Hurry Up" jingle is heard when Savannah takes off