Rise of Sage's Titans, Part 2 is the twenty-sixth episode of My Friend Macey.
Episode Summary[]
The town is in horrible shape. It's crumbling before the citizens' very eyes. The End is approaching, awaiting certain doom. Giganto is about to attack the heroes and Macey has gone missing. Laila, still concerned, wonders where Macey ran off to. Sonic, Olivia, and Kaitlin are doing everything they can to hold Giganto off while they get the rest of the heroes to shelter to come up with a strategy. Laila wonders if anyone is gonna help her find Macey. Knuckles tells Laila they'll get right on it as soon as they get Giganto out of their sights. Tails then asks Knuckles if he knows where Dr. Discovery's base is since he knows where it is. Knuckles tells everyone to follow him. The heroes all run off to Dr. Discovery's base.
Once they all make it, they see the entire town has taken shelter in here. Cassie had no idea it was this bad. Erik tells her it's that bad. Dr. Discovery is glad to see the heroes made it safe. Sonic says they just barely did. Ryan wonders how safe this shelter even is. Dr. Discovery tells Ryan that his shelter was made to withstand the strongest of forces, including nuclear missiles. Ryan thinks that's impressive. Alison wonders what their plan is because the Titans are just destroying the town while they cower inside Dr. Discovery's base. Dr. Discovery says that he's teamed up with Becca and Jeremiah to create something that could stop him. He says he took inspiration from their robot they used to stop Infinite to create this. Tails wonders what it's supposed to do. Dr. Discovery says it's supposed to use a Phantom Ruby to blast a beam so powerful it'll wipe out the Titans like a Thanos snap. Becca tells Tails the only problem is that it hasn't been doing well in testing. Tails begins pondering of ways to tweak the machine.
Back outside, Sage notices that things have gotten quiet. Sage calls Infinite to search for the heroes because they've gone missing. Infinite says he'll gladly do it. Sage then checks over by Dr. Eggman, who has Macey's family captive. Jon says Dr. Eggman won't get away with this. Eggman then says he thinks he will, and decides to rub it in more with a musical number. Orbot didn't know the Doctor had Broadway experience. Eggman gives Orbot his rewrite of Cats. Orbot and Cubot skim it and are impressed. Eggman then tells Macey's family that Macey will never be able to rescue them, even if she had all of her silly little friends come to her aid. He says the Titan army is stronger than ever, and The End is rapidly approaching. Macey's dad wonders if that this "The End" is supposed to annihilate them all, he wonders if that would affect Eggman himself. Eggman pauses. Orbot thinks that's a good point. Eggman turns over to Sage and wonders if she's calculated a way for him to survive this. Sage tells Eggman that he has a 6% chance of survival. Eggman becomes flustered by this data.
Back at Dr. Discovery's lab, Tails has tweaked the plans for the machine. He thinks that if everyone in town were able to posses the power of the Chaos Emeralds, rather than the Phantom Ruby, they'd all be strong enough to beat down the Titans, and The End for that matter. Jeremiah says he's game for this idea. Laila thinks this is great and all but still wonders how they're gonna find Macey. Brea chimes in and wonders where Alyssa is. Everyone looks around the base. That's when Brooke says she got a text from her saying she went to find Macey. Kaitlin thinks a heads up would've been nice. Brooke says she technically did give them some sort of notice. Alyssa is out in town, sneaking her way around, trying not to get caught by Sage, Infinite, or any of the Titans. Alyssa says she feels like James Bond. Alyssa almost runs into Wyvern, but she manages to sneak her way past. She manages to fend off some Egg Pawns in the process.
After making her way across town, Alyssa manages to make her way to Macey's house. She thinks this is the place where she'd run off to. When she goes inside, sure enough, Macey is laying in her bed crying some more. She is holding a picture of her family close to her. Alyssa asks Macey what the matter is. Macey tells Alyssa that everyone is doomed and there's nothing they can do about it. Macey begins singing a sad ballad about the fate of the town and how she feels she's failed as a hero. During the ballad, Alyssa sings a section about how they can come back from this and reminds Macey of all the great things she's done. Macey wipes away tears and says Alyssa is right. Macey says it's time to stop moping around and says it's time to do something to save not only the town, but the entire planet. Alyssa says that's the spirit. She then tells Macey about how everyone is sheltering in Dr. Discovery's base and are currently working on a way to defeat the Titans. Macey says they have to get over to that base, stat. Alyssa warns Macey that she had dodge Titans all the way over here because they're patrolling the town. As soon as they exit Macey's house, they encounter a go-kart looking Titan. Macey wonders if Alyssa is thinking what she's thinking. Alyssa agrees. They take the Titan across town.
Meanwhile, Eggman begins scolding Sage for not coming up with ways for him to survive the apocalyptic coming. Sage apologizes to her father for not coming up with such ways, but says that she'll always remember him. Eggman says Sage has changed. Sage says that Infinite was the one that reincarnated her after all, so she takes orders from him now. Eggman can't believe that Sage turned on her. Sage has a new Titan take Eggman. Orbot and Cubot follow Eggman away. Sage radios Infinite, telling him that Dr. Eggman is now out of the picture. Infinite thinks this is excellent, and also reports that he sees Macey and Alyssa riding one of their Titans. He tells them that they're headed towards some secret-looking base in the middle of town. Sage finds this excellent. She sends Supreme to the case. Macey's dad wonders what they're supposed to do now. Sage tells them that they'll just be trapped here forever and says she has some more business to take care of. Jon wonders what they do. Macey's mom suggests a game of Charades.
Back at Dr. Discovery's base, Macey and Alyssa make their way inside. Everyone is happy to see Macey. Macey is glad to see that everyone is okay. She's surprised to see the entire town in here. Marcus says he guesses he's glad that Macey is okay. Samantha punches Marcus saying that he's not very encouraging. Macey wonders what this machine is. Ford tells her about how it's gonna give them awesome powers to take down all the Titans. Macey thinks that's really ambitious, but cool. Laila comes up to Macey and wonders how she's doing. Macey says she's doing okay now. She says she's filled with determination. Ashley feels like that's a reference to something. All of a sudden, Jake thinks he feels quaking. Trent says he feels it too. Mikayla looks outside and sees Supreme approaching the base. Blaze thinks that's not good. Shadow wonders if they can speed this building process up. Tails says they think they can, they're just gonna need everyone's help to get it done before Supreme makes it here. Dr. Discovery takes a look at Supreme and wonders if his base will truly be able to withstand a Titan of that stature.
After a building montage, Dr. Discovery thinks the machine is ready. Ayden says it's not a moment too soon either and sees the Supreme almost to the doorstep. Becca fires up the machine. Jeremiah wonders how long this thing is gonna take to warm up. The machine is taking a while to warm up. The machine asks if they wanna play a game while they wait. Shadow thinks they just did all that work for this. Dr. Discovery didn't know this was going to be a flaw of the design. Macey wonders how they're going to hold off that Titan. All of a sudden, Erik tells everyone to look outside. A giant army of Lumas hold off Supreme. Rosalina is watching as they hold off Supreme. Macey cheers for Rosalina. Rosalina tells everyone inside to get their powers. One Luma manages to sneak inside the base and finish charging the machine up. Dr. Discovery is impressed and thanks the Luma. The Luma flies back outside. Rosalina tells the heroes to show these Titans what they're made of. Tails tells everyone to get under the machine now. Everyone holds hands and forms a giant circle as the machine grants them unimaginable powers.
Everyone gains their powers, and the entire team flies out of the base, ready to kick some Titan butt. It's one of the most epic battles Macey has ever fought. While they're fighting the Titans, Rosalina frees Macey's family. Macey's mom thanks Rosalina. Rosalina tells them to cheer on their daughter as she and her friends fight off the Titans. Macey's dad thinks they can do just that. Everyone teams up in groups to take out each individual Titan. Macey eventually comes face to face with Sage. Sonic thinks he sees Dr. Eggman in a Titan's clutches. He goes over to defeat the Titan and rescue Eggman. After doing so, Sonic asks Baldy McNoseHair what happened. Eggman says he doesn't wanna talk about it. Emma and Taylor are flying away after defeating the go-kart Titan when they run into Infinite. Emma asks Taylor if she wants to infinitely kick the living daylights out of this guy. Taylor says she couldn't be happier to. Emma and Taylor then get into a fight with Infinite.
Sage tells Macey that it's no use. Macey then looks and notices The End quickly approaching. She can't believe she forgot all about that. Alyssa, Laila, Brea, Kaylee, and Ashley all come over to Macey and say they'll take care of Sage. Kaylee tells Macey to show The End who's boss. Macey looks at The End and says this is for destroying her town, stressing her friends, and taking her family. Macey charges at the moon with all of her might. Sonic looks over and wonders what's happening. Macey begins beating the moon with all of her power. Everyone looks over at Macey to see what's going on. Brooke knew from day one that she was gonna be a valuable asset. After giving The End a massive beating, Macey release one final blow that blows it up. After The End is defeated, Sage disappears. Eggman is amazed because that Sage was simply a clone of Infinite. Orbot regrets to tell him that it wasn't a clone. Eggman pauses. Everyone begins cheering for Macey. Laila then wonders where Macey is again. Sonic thinks she's right. Georgia spots Macey over in town square.
Everyone goes over to town square to see a defeated Macey laying on the ground. Silver can't believe what he's seeing. Nya wonders if she's dead. Saben checks her pulse and says there's nothing there. Everyone then begins mourning the loss. Macey's mom can't believe her daughter just sacrificed herself to save the entire town. Dr. Eggman even feels a little bit of sorrow towards Macey, as she stood up for the town in an effort to save him from his daughter's change of heart. Alyssa says she'll never forget all of the memories she made with Macey. She'll never forget their adventure to the ice cream dimension. Carly says she'll never forget when she helped save her from Elijah's charming good lucks. Austin admits he'll miss when she beat him in that snowboarding competition. Laila says she's gonna miss more than just her heroic efforts: she'll miss their sleepovers, their 2am FaceTime calls, their runs to the diner. Laila begins having a breakdown. Brea and Kaylee comfort Laila. Jon holds up a photo from the time they went sailing and says he's gonna miss her sister. Mom and Dad agree on that. Everyone stands around Macey in silence, letting out their grief.
Rosalina slowly approaches the circle of grief. She looks over at the now dead Macey and is suddenly filled with loss. Rosalina directs some of her Lumas over to Macey. The Lumas surround Macey. A bright light glows around her. Everyone watches in awe as the Lumas somehow bring Macey back to life. Macey wonders where she is and wonders what year it is. She wonders if Patrick Mahomes won the Super Bowl. Alex says that was 2020. Everyone rejoices that Macey is alive again. Macey seriously wants to know what happened. Tails tells her about how her final blow to The End was so powerful that it seemed to have killed her off in the process. Blaze then chimes in, saying that Rosalina's Lumas somehow brought her back to life. Macey thinks that's incredible and thanks Rosalina once again. Macey then looks over at Dr. Eggman and sees him walking off, sadly. Macey almost feels kind of bad for him. She goes over to him. Sonic wonders what Macey is doing.
Macey goes up to Dr. Eggman and tells him she feels bad that his daughter is gone for good. Eggman tells her to buzz off. Macey tells Eggman she genuinely feels bad. Eggman is at a loss for words at this point. Macey tells him that even though she's gone, he can always reminisce on the memories he made with her. Macey tells Eggman that he should be able to cherish those that are around him and it'll make him feel better. Eggman looks at Macey. He says that they may be enemies, but she's alright. Macey smiles. Eggman thanks Macey for the talk. He sits down and reminisces about Sage. Orbot and Cubot are both confused about what just happened. Alyssa asks Macey what that was all about. Macey says that even their enemies need some love sometimes. Alyssa says she's said it once and she'll say it again: that says a lot about Macey's character. Sonic tells Macey that was honestly probably the right thing to do. Macey smiles and says that they've got a lot of cleaning up to do before any form of celebration of their victory happens.
Production Information[]
- The Season 1 finale episode.
- The first episode to continue after a previous episode.
- The background music used for "You Lost, I Won" is the cover version of "Enjoy Your Stay" from EarthBound performed by The 8-Bit Big Band.
- The background music used for "We're Doomed/We Can Come Back" is "Walking With You" from Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
- The first episode to use different music other than the original credits theme for the end credits.
- "Bowser Returns" from Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle: Heard during the opening scenes.
- "You Lost, I Won": Sung by Dr. Eggman.
- "Snake Eater" (Instrumental) from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater: Heard when Alyssa sneaks through town.
- "We're Doomed/We Can Come Back": Sung by Macey and Alyssa.
- "Quest: SOS Backup" from Sonic Frontiers: Heard when Macey and Alyssa ride the go-kart Titan through town.
- "Shack to Shacktron" from Gravity Falls: Heard during the building montage.
- "Staff Roll" from Super Mario Galaxy: Heard when Rosalina and her Lumas hold back Supreme.
- "Titan: Supreme - I'm Here [Re-Edit]" from Sonic Frontiers: Heard during the final battle.
- "I'm With You" from Sonic Frontiers: Heard when Macey defeats The End.
- "Friendship" from Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Heard when everyone grieves Macey's death.
- "A Wish" from Super Mario Galaxy: Heard when the Lumas revive Macey.
- "Dear Father" from Sonic Frontiers: Heard during the end credits.
Inside References[]
- Tails mentioning that Knuckles knows where Dr. Discovery's base is is a reference to "Knuckles and the Secret Base".
- Dr. Discovery took inspiration from their plan in "Infinite Possibilities" to create his original machine design.
- Scenes from "Carnival Kerfuffle", "Where There's a Macey, There's a Way", "The World According to Alyssa", and "Piece of Cake" are shown during "We Can Come Back".
- Brooke mentions that she was right about Macey being a valuable asset, a line she said in "Meet Macey!".
- Some of the mentioned memories of Macey are from "Field of Creams", "Carly in Love", and "There's Snow Way".
- Laila mentioning missing her sleepovers with Macey is possibly a reference to "Meet Macey!".
- Jon is seen with a photo from the events of "Stranded".
- Alyssa says her line about Macey's character from "Orbot and Cubot: Robots in Need".
Real-World References[]
- Dr. Discovery compares the power of his machine to Thanos' snap from Avengers: Infinity War.
- Dr. Eggman apparently has a rewrite of the famous Broadway musical, Cats.
- Alyssa compares herself to James Bond when sneaking around town to find Macey.
- The "filled with determination" reference line is a nod to Undertale.
- Sonic refers to Dr. Eggman as Baldy McNoseHair, the nickname given to Dr. Eggman in Sonic Colors.
- The billboard of Misadventures With Austin is seen in town square.
- Macey and Alex mention Super Bowl LIV, where she wonders if Patrick Mahomes won, in which Alex says he did in 2020.
- This episode was produced before Super Bowl LVII, despite being released after the event where Mahomes won as well.
- Footage from Sonic Frontiers is seen in the end credits as Dr. Eggman remembers Sage.