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Zavok challenges JJ to a boxing showdown.

Episode Summary[]

JJ is out in his front yard, practicing some of his sparring. Issi is wondering why JJ is doing this right now. JJ says he wants to work on his boxing for when he makes it big. Issi just shrugs and lets him continue. Nearby, Zavok is discussing with Zazz about what he wants to do next for a scheme. Zazz suggests summoning a water creature at the beach. Zavok says that's already been done. That's when he spots JJ. Zavok sees JJ as a potential threat with moves that good. He needs to know how good he is. Zavok goes up to JJ and challenges him to a boxing match. JJ realizes he's up for a real fight now.

JJ puts hours of training in to prepare for the fight, and so is Zavok. Occasionally, Zazz goes to JJ's yard and taunts him about how well he's doing. JJ really hates that Zazz is doing this, but it won't stop him from training his hardest. That's when Zavok orders an attack from Dr. Eggman to hinder JJ's progress. Eggman is more than happy to oblige. Eggman sends hundreds of Motobugs at JJ. JJ wonders if this is a test. He defeats all the Motobugs no problem. Eggman goes back to Zavok and tells him the unfortunate news. Zavok realizes it's time to resort to a training montage. Zazz wonders what good that's gonna do. After the montage, both JJ and Zavok feel ready for this fight. Zazz still doesn't know what good a montage does.

Later that evening, a giant crowd has gathered to watch this fight. Sonic and Tails are there in hopes of just seeing Zavok fail. Kaitlin is there with Maddie, Olivia, Alison, and Shannon. Olivia has attended with many of her friends. Brooke wonders how this matchup even came to be. Megan has no clue but hopes for a good fight. Jake and Zach are busy downing popcorn. Issi is afraid of the outcome, but Isabel is reassuring. Eggman, Orbot, Cubot, and Zazz want to see Zavok come out victorious. JJ and Zavok give each other death glares. The circus ring leader is there, commentating the match. The match begins, and it is as intense as people want it to be. A giant group of JJ's friends consisting of Ryan, Troy, Chris, Josh, Richerd, and Dakota are cheering him on. Kaitlynn wonders what the flying heck is going on. Troy doesn't even wanna comment.

Zavok is beating JJ pretty badly. Olivia really wants JJ to get up. Smarts, Jenny, Hannah, and Katie all gasp. That's when Zavok knocks JJ out. Issi covers her eyes as Isabel gasps. Brennan and Saben look at each other with worried looks. Ellie and Cassidy are shook. Troy is concerned that JJ is hurt. Olivia, as well as Troy, Issi, and Isabel go down to see if JJ is okay. Olivia encourages JJ to get up. She reminds him of all the nasty stuff Zavok has done, such as stealing a valuable vase and robbing a pawn shop. This is motivation enough for JJ to get up and deliver some nasty blows to Zavok. Eggman can't believe what he's seeing.

In the end, JJ wins the match. Everyone cheers. Sonic and Tails high-five. Jake and Zach celebrate with more popcorn. Erika and Mikayla are seen cheering, as well as Ashly and Nate. JJ can't believe he did that, all by himself. Olivia is proud of JJ. Issi gives JJ a giant hug, but then realizes how sweaty he is. Troy thinks they should celebrate JJ's victory with some dinner. Olivia agrees. JJ and all his friends head out, while Eggman and Zazz drag a defeated Zavok into an ambulance.

Production Information[]

  • Some CGI is used in this episode
  • Twenty-second time the fourth wall is broken

