List of episodes: (They only dubbed some of Season 4 and Season 6)
1.Budowanie wieży - Pingu Builds A Tower
2.Królem jest Pingu - Pingu The King
3.Za dużo proszku! - Pingu The Baker
4.Pomaganie dziadkowi - Pingu Helps Grandfather
5.Zły dzień - Pingu Has A Bad Day
6.Pingu wygrywa finale - Pingu And His Cup
7.Lubie tanczyć! - Pingu Boogaloo
8.Pingu i samolocik - Pingu And The Rubberband Plane
9.Pingu i nowa hulajnoga - Pingu And The Scooter
10.Wstrętny yeti - Pingu And The Abonminble Snowman