Piece of Cake is the twenty-third episode of My Friend Macey.
Episode Summary[]
Becca is busy working on her latest creation: a cake. A confused Gus looks at the cake. Becca asks Gus if he's wondering about the cake. Becca says that she's been meaning to bake a cake for Macey as a thank you for saving the town from her mind-control project that went south. Gus nods in approval. Becca says she's gonna go bring the cake to Macey and trusts that Gus won't trash the place while she's gone. Gus nods again. Becca takes off with the cake as Gus reclines back to watch some Young Sheldon.
As Becca walks across town to bring Macey the cake, Albert is busy perfecting a spell that will shrink people and objects. He wonders what he could possibly test this new spell on. He goes over to his crystal ball to observe what's happening in town. He observes Jake and Zach playing some basketball together, Kaitlin and Katie doing some shopping, and then he finally spots Becca with her cake. Albert gets a twisted idea. He thinks if he shrunk the entire town, they could get trapped inside that cake. Albert then realizes he'd need to find someone, or something that'd be hungry enough to devour the cake so then the town could be trapped in that cake forever. He then gets an idea. He remembers Zomom from The Deadly Six.
Becca arrives at Macey's door. Her mom answers, and Becca asks to see Macey. Macey comes to the door and is surprised to see Becca. Becca tells Macey about how she made this cake for her as a thank you for the whole Alyssa taking over the town mess. Macey wonders which time, but then remembers the mind-control device. Macey then thanks Becca for the cake. All of a sudden, the town begins shaking. Macey wonders what's going on. She wonders if there's a robot shaking the world or something. That's when the town shrinks down into the cake. Becca says they've definitely gotten themselves into a sticky situation. Macey says they do not need any more dessert-related adventures and thought that three in one season was enough.
Becca begins wondering who could possibly be behind this. She peeks out of the cake and sees a giant Albert. Macey peeks out too and sees Albert. Macey wonders what Albert wants. Albert says that the tiny little town is doomed. Becca wonders how exactly, considering they're just trapped inside a cake. That's when Zomom approaches the cake. He says he just ate 24 buffalo wings, 50 chicken nuggets, 10 cheeseburgers, and a hoagie, but still could go for some cake. Macey understands why they're doomed now. She says they need to evacuate the town and come up with a plan to get the town back to normal. Becca thinks it's gonna be tough to evacuate an entire town inside a cake. Macey says it's their best chance for everyone to survive. Macey and Becca do their best to get everyone out. Albert and Zomom take notice.
Everyone manages to get out before Albert and Zomom can do something. Albert tells Zomom it's time for plan B. Mikayla wonders what they do now. Ayden agrees, because they're still tiny. That's when Dr. Discovery chimes in, saying he may have something that can help. Macey wonders what. Dr. Discovery says the only issue is that his device is back in his base, which is inside the cake. Becca wonders who will be brave enough to journey inside the cake with him. Dr. Discovery thinks that's a good idea to have some backup with him. Becca then tells Macey to go with Dr. Discovery and says she can handle it out here. Macey wonders if Becca is sure, and Becca says she's positive. Macey trusts Becca, and Macey and Dr. Discovery head inside the cake.
Albert and Zomom return with their plan B: Sephiroth. Troy wonders what Sephiroth is doing here. Grace wonders who that even is. Albert says that with all three of their forces combined, they'll bring nothing but despair on the tiny town. Zomom mentions that Sephiroth's sword is the length of the last hoagie he ate. Albert tells Sephiroth to show these pathetic citizens what he's truly made of. Becca tells everyone to give Sephiroth everything they've got. Inside the cake, Macey and Dr. Discovery make it inside Discovery's base and grab his device that will turn everything back to normal. As they head back outside, Macey thinks she hears battle cries, as well as an unfamiliar voice. Dr. Discovery doesn't recognize the voice. Once they make it back out, Macey and Dr. Discovery see the tiny citizens attacking Sephiroth. Macey wonders who that is. Discovery isn't sure, but thinks it's time to use the device. He fires it up.
The device returns the town, and Becca's cake, back to normal. Albert, Zomom, and Sephiroth are all furious. Sephiroth tells the town that this isn't the last they'll see of the One-Winged Angel. Mikayla sure is glad that mess is over. Hailey seconds that. Becca tells Macey that she can enjoy her cake now. Macey is happy. She takes a slice and devours it. She tells Becca she did a great job with the cake. Becca thanks Macey. Macey is also proud of her for leading the town in attacking whoever that One-Winged Angel guy was. Becca just hopes that he doesn't return. Elsewhere, Sephiroth is plotting his revenge on the town. He is busy looking into information on Macey.
Production Information[]
- Sephiroth wasn't originally supposed to appear. His reason for last minute inclusion is unknown.
- Macey breaks the fourth wall, mentioning that there have been three dessert-themed episodes this season.
- "Giga Bowser Awakens" from Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury: Heard when the town shrinks.
- "Rocket Barrel Theme 1" from Donkey Kong Country Returns: Heard when Macey and Becca evacuate the town from the cake.
- "Advent: One-Winged Angel" from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children: Heard when Sephiroth appears.
Inside References[]
- Becca makes Macey a cake as a thank you for the events of "The World According to Alyssa".
- Macey mentions the previous three dessert-themed episodes as a fourth wall break.
Real-World References[]
- Gus can be heard watching the Young Sheldon episode "A Sneeze, Detention, and Sissy Spacek".
- The robot shaking the world comment is a reference to a line from the VeggieTales video "Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed".