Olivia and Megan track down criminals who robbed the pawn shop.
Episode Summary[]
Don the pawn shop owner is getting ready to head to work. He eats some delicious Apple Jacks for breakfast, and then heads to work. When he arrives, however, the pawn shop has been broken in to. He freaks out and wonders what to do. He calls the police. Later that morning, the police arrive to the scene. Don wonders what they're possibly going to do. Olivia and Megan happen to be walking by at the time. Olivia wonders what's happened here. Don explains everything to them. Megan thinks that's horrible. One of the officers suggests looking at the security footage to see if they can figure out who the culprits are.
After careful examination of the cameras, they discover that Zazz and Zavok are the culprits. Olivia tells the cops that her and Megan will handle Zazz and Zavok. The officers wonders if they're sure about that. Megan is sure because they've stopped them numerous times. The officers allow the girls to go stop them. Don can't thank them enough, and wishes the two luck on their adventure. Olivia and Megan track Zazz and Zavok to an abandoned factory. Inside, they find all the stuff that they stole. Megan can't believe how much stuff there is. Olivia wonders where Zazz and Zavok are inside this giant factory. All of a sudden, Megan thinks she hears a ball rolling.
Sure enough, a soccer ball rolls by them. Olivia and Megan follow the ball. Coincidentally, it leads them right to Zazz and Zavok. Zavok was wondering how long it was going to take them to find them. Olivia thinks they were just lucky. Zazz says they're going to beat them like a drum for finding them. Olivia wonders what's with him and beating people like drums. Megan wonders how they're possibly supposed to fight these two off while also getting all the stuff to return at the same time. Olivia then remembers a small device that Professor Smarts gave her. Megan wonders when she even got that. Olivia says she got it shortly after the incident where Aubrey lost her memory. Olivia will use it to wrangle up the stuff while Megan fights off Zazz and Zavok.
Their plan works surprisingly well. After beating them off, the girls quick run off with the stuff before Zazz and Zavok can fully recover from their beating. Zavok can't believe they lost. Back at the shop, the officers are trying to calm down Don. Don finally rejoices once he sees Olivia and Megan return with his stuff. Don thanks them immensely and offers them each a collectible on the house. Olivia takes a rare wall clock, and Megan takes a misprinted children's plate. Don now wonders how they're going to repair the damage. Olivia and Megan shrug.
Production Information[]
- There is very little CGI used in this episode
- The pawn shop owner's name is finally revealed, which is Don. Originally, the writers intended to leave his name unknown, but decided against it while writing the story for this episode
- "3 P.M." from Animal Crossing: New Horizons is heard during Don's morning routine
- Don has a picture from "All About The Vase" in his bedroom
- The inside of the factory looks very similar to the egg factory from the VeggieTales episode, "An Easter Carol"
- Some familiar items are seen within the factory:
- A poster for the popsicles from "The Deformed Popsicle"
- The vase from "All About The Vase"
- The holy grail from "Monty Troy and the Holy Grail"
- A replica of the golden mole from "Marty and the Mole-y Grail"
- The robot from "The Terrible Service"
- Buzz-Saw Louie from VeggieTales
- A wardrobe similar to the one from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
- Zazz uses his "beat you like a drum" line from Sonic Lost World
- Olivia mentions the events of "Aubrey and the Missing Identity"
- "Boss: Zazz" from Sonic at the Olympic Games is heard during the fight between Zazz and Zavok
- Megan's plate is the Ducky Momo plate from the Phineas and Ferb episode, "Let's Bounce"