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Olivia defends a cherry tree from being torn down in the park.

Episode Summary[]

The episode starts with a flashback to Olivia's childhood. It's Earth Day at the local park, and a bunch of people have gathered to plant some trees in the park. Olivia and her mom just happen to be there that day. Olivia's mom asks Olivia what kind of tree she wants to plant. Olivia, being an eager 5-year-old at the time, chooses the cherry tree. The volunteer thinks Olivia made a good choice. The volunteer, whose name is Amanda, helps Olivia plant the cherry tree. Her mom happily captures the moment on her video camera. After the tree is planted, Olivia cheers with the most enthusiasm her mom has ever seen her with, ever since her last visit to Chuck E. Cheese's. A few weeks later, Olivia and her mom return to the park and see all the trees that have grown. Olivia notices that her cherry tree has grown as well. It also appears that a sign was placed, saying that Olivia planted that cherry tree. Olivia gets very excited over this.

Time goes on, and as time passes, some of the trees in the park get taken down and replaced with new playground equipment. As more time passes, some of the equipment even goes. Olivia's cherry tree has stood strong the whole time. In the present, Olivia and her family are at home, watching TV. Erika wonders why they're watching The Fairly Odd Parents of all shows. Olivia's mom wanted some throwback cartoons. All of a sudden, the broadcast is interrupted with a breaking news report. Jenny reports that the park in town is being torn down completely to make room for a new strip mall. Olivia can't believe what she's hearing. She immediately rushes down to the park. Erika wonders if they should follow her. Their mom thinks they should, because she might be getting herself into a mess.

Olivia sees that the cherry tree hasn't been torn down yet. Olivia asks a construction worker what the plan is for this tree. He says it's simply gonna be torn down. Olivia can't believe this. She thinks she's gonna go to the mayor about this. Officer Roger comes and says that there's nothing she can do about that because the mayor is totally in favor of the new strip mall. Olivia thinks this is outrageous. She then proceeds to pull out some chains. Brooke is walking by and notices. Olivia asks Brooke to tie her to this cherry tree with these chains. Brooke isn't sure what's going on, but does it anyways. The construction worker tells Olivia to remove herself from the tree this instant. Olivia refuses. Her mom and Erika arrive at the scene and wonder what in the flying heck she's doing. Olivia says she's protecting her tree.

A bit of time passes, and quite the crowd has gathered to witness Olivia's stand. Chris thinks she's crazy. JJ thinks she's simply doing the right thing. Sunshine admits that the idea of a mall instead of a park is crazy. Officer Roger warns Olivia to free herself from the tree at once. Olivia refuses. She won't let the city take away part of her childhood. She begins telling the story behind this cherry tree. She even begins telling stories that not even her family knew about. When she was eleven and was constantly getting bullied in school, she would go to the tree for comfort and read some books or listen to music. She had her first date under this tree. After the trauma of watching all of her friends get turned into robots, she went under this tree to relax and ease her mind. Olivia's mom had no idea that this cherry tree meant so much to her. Erika begins tearing up. She then stands by Olivia's side and defends this tree. Her mom joins her.

This influences some of the crowd. Dani and Brooke join, Sunshine and Jake join, Aubrey joins, Megan and Hannah join, Chris and JJ join, Richerd and Kaitlynn join, Troy joins, Saben joins, Audrey joins, Ryan joins, Professor Smarts joins, Emma and Mikayla join, Ellie joins, Ashly and Isabel join, Brennan and Naomi join, Jarrett and Alex join, Kaitlin joins, Olivia's marketing professor joins. Pretty soon, a very sizable crowd is defending this tree with Olivia. Olivia asks the construction team what they're gonna do now. This tree, and this park, means a lot to the whole town. There's nothing they can do to tear this down now. The construction team isn't sure what to do now. They decide to cancel the project after this heartfelt moment. They take their equipment and leave. Olivia now realizes that they won. Everyone cheers. Olivia's mom is so proud of her. Olivia thanks everyone for standing with her during that. She now wonders how she's gonna free herself.

Production Information[]

  • There is no CGI used in this episode
  • The first episode to feature a flashback of Olivia's childhood
  • According to many, this episode was very emotional to make
    • Additionally, viewers said this is the most emotional Olivia episode to date


  • The episode title is based off of "Olivia and the Giant Apple Tree"
  • "Apotos - Day" from Sonic Unleashed is heard during the flashback
  • Amanda is seen wearing a pin with the Backstreet Boys on it
  • The picture from "Snowball Effect" is seen again in Olivia's living room
  • Olivia's family can be seen watching the episode of The Fairly Odd Parents, "Channel Chasers"
  • There's a poster seen on a lightpost in the park promoting the vacation package from "Luck of the Draw"
  • The "what in the flying heck" gag from "Tales From Olivia's Living Room" is used again
  • "Sayonara" from Paper Mario: Color Splash is heard when Olivia recalls her memories from the tree
  • In the first flashback of tree memories, Olivia can be seen with the book Esperanza Rising
  • One of Olivia's tree memories takes place after the events of "Gotta Go Fast!"
  • The last half of "Staff Roll" from Super Mario Galaxy is heard when everyone stands with Olivia