Olivia hosts a clip show featuring some of the show's greatest moments so far.
Episode Summary[]
Olivia welcomes the viewing audience to her clip show beach party. She hopes a lot of people will turn out and have a great time. Kaitlin barges in and claims Olivia is stealing this idea from her show. Olivia says her show is over though. Kaitlin knows, but she still thinks she's stealing. Olivia tells Kaitlin to just come in and have a fun time. Kaitlin realizes she should. Some of Olivia's friends have come together and put together clip compilations featuring some of the show's greatest moments so far. She lets Sunshine start them off. Sunshine plays her opening montage of clips. After Sunshine's clips, Brooke plays her clips that feature some very heroic moments in the show.
After Brooke's clips, Jake and Zach present some of the most "poggers" moments of the show. Olivia wonders what that means. Jake says to watch more Twitch streams. After Jake and Zach's clips, Dani comes in with some of the more heart-felt clips of the show. After those, it cuts to Dr. Eggman spying on the events of the clip show. Orbot wonders what the boss is doing. Eggman thinks now would be a good time to crash that silly beach party and show them the true evil of Eggman, through visual media. Cubot wonders how good of an idea this will be. Olivia then decides it's time to take a short break from the clips to just chill out. They will resume the clips afterwards.
Everyone is having a good time at the party. Olivia is talking to Aubrey and Aubrey wonders if anything bad is going to happen during this clip show. Olivia knows everything will be under control. Just then, Troy comes up with his clip montage. Olivia wonders what Troy is doing. Troy plays his clips of the most painful moments of the show. Olivia doesn't think those are the kinds of clips they're exactly looking for. After Troy, Hannah and Megan come with their submission. Their submission is nothing but grab bag clips. Olivia wonders what the heck that even was. Ryan wants to know what is even happening anymore. Aubrey knew she shouldn't have jinxed it. Dani thinks this is a disaster. Olivia wonders how it can get any worse.
That's when Dr. Eggman shows up. Everyone panics when they see him arrive. Olivia wonders what he could possibly want. Eggman shoves Olivia to the ground. Everyone gasps. Eggman then plays a series of clips of the villains, and then uses these clips to enslave everyone. Olivia gets up from the ground, bruised up. She wonders what is even happening anymore. Eggman cackles as all of Olivia's friends, now enslaved, walk towards Eggman, now hoping to obey his every command. That's when Sonic and Tails pop in. Sonic thinks they have just the right clips for this moment in time. Olivia is very thankful that Sonic arrived. She quick pops Sonic's disc into the player. The clip montage shows some of Sonic's best moments, and those alongside Olivia as well.
After Sonic's clips, everyone turns back to normal. Saben feels a strange desire to beat up Eggman. Sunshine does too. Dani has a desire to call him Baldy McNosehair. Eggman can't believe he got foiled by a bunch of pathetic TV clips. Sonic says maybe next time he shouldn't use TV clips as a mean of evil either. Eggman retreats with Orbot and Cubot. Olivia was really hoping this event would've turned out better than that. Aubrey says it's okay now, because it's over. Sonic tells Olivia not to feel bad because now the good times can resume. Olivia realizes he's right. Olivia resumes the good times, and thanks the viewing audience for tuning in for their clip show. Olivia then plays a clip montage for the credits.
Production Information[]
- CGI is used throughout the episode, and in the clips
- Fifteenth time the fourth wall is broken
- The fourth 45 minute runtime episode
- The first clip show styled episode
- Eleventh time a different opening sequence is used instead of the theme song
- The episode is similar to that of "The Kaitlin Chronicles Beach Party Clip Show!". Kaitlin comes and makes a joke about it as well
- "Single Match Selection Screen" from Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games is heard during the opening
- Jake and Zach use the term "poggers," a term commonly used as lingo on streams on Twitch
- Dr. Eggman's plan is loosely based off of Dr. Doofenshmirtz's from the Phineas and Ferb episode "Musical Cliptastic Countdown"
- "Battle With Zavok" from Sonic Lost World is heard during Eggman's entrance and his scheme
- "Emerald Coast - Act 1" from Sonic Generations is heard during the closing
- The following are the clips montages:
- Sunshine's opening clips ("Splash Hill" from Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games is heard):
- Brooke's heroic moments ("Mario, World Traveler" from Super Mario Odyssey is heard):
- Jake and Zach's "poggers" moments ("Tilt the Machine" from Sonic Lost World is heard):
- Dani's heart-felt clips ("Luma and the Hat" from Super Mario Galaxy 2 is heard):
- Troy's painful clips ("Mr. Patch" from Banjo-Tooie is heard):
- Hannah and Megan's grab bag ("Humoresque of a Little Dog" from Super Smash Bros. Brawl is heard):
- Eggman's villainous clips:
- Sonic's montage ("Reach for the Stars" from Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games is heard):
- "Sonic and the Secret of Olivia's Rings"
- Sonic and the Black Knight
- "Dr. Eggman Returns"
- Sonic Adventure
- "Gotta Go Fast!"
- Sonic Unleashed
- "Olivia Heroes"
- Sonic Colors
- "Olivia's Greatest Threat"
- Sonic and the Secret Rings
- "The Unexpected Visitor"
- Sonic Lost World
- "Jake and Knuckles: An Unlikely Duo"
- Sonic Heroes
- "The Olivia Chronicles"
- Sonic Forces
- Olivia's end credit clips:
- "Olivia and the Giant Apple Tree"
- "Monty Troy and the Holy Grail"
- "A Day in the Life of Olivia's Easter"
- "The Two Weeks Notice"
- "Wanda Reboots"
- "Greasy Antics"
- "Brooke's Mistake"
- "Olivia's Halloween Party"
- "All About The Vase"
- "The Triple Dog Dare"
- "Aubrey and the Missing Identity"
- "The Unexpected Visitor"
- "Get On Olivia's Level"
- "Snowball Effect"
- "Marty's Triumphant Comeback"
- "The Black Friday Deal"
- "Why Did The Dani Cross The Road?"
- "What We Call A Pilot Episode..."