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No Boys Allowed is an 2022 American animated horror short film.


Some male teens sneak into an girls-only club called Clarie's Enchanted Fun-Spa.


  1. Claire the Cat
  2. Cecelia the Computer
  3. Bailey the Bomb
  4. Loana the Cavewoman
  5. Princess the Peacock
  6. Rosita the Raven
  7. Fallon the Fawn


No Boys Allowed/Transcript


Exactly What It Says On The Tin: There's only girls allowed & no male animatronics.

The Pervert: Crystal, Fiona & Brenda. They took a "bit" too much fun "playing" with their victims.

Awesome: Brian destroying Princess by stabbing her with a fire axe.

Voice Sounds:

  • Claire: Sounds like Cammy Chameleon.
  • Cecelia: Sounds like Ballora, but more high pitched.
  • Bailey: Sounds like angry woman.
  • Loana: Sounds like Fiona, but in Broken English.
  • Princess: Sounds like Princess Poppy.
  • Rosita: Sounds like a Mexican Abby Cadabby.
  • Francie: Sounds like Foofa.

Nightmare Fuel:

Sequel Hook:


  1. Johnny slammed against the wall multiple times by Claire.