Season 1: (2013)[]
- Cinema - Speedy Andy and Razy Kelly get into a fuss in the cinema (2013)
- Car Wash - Speedy Andy and Sporty Joey get cleaned at the car wash (2013)
- The Dream Of Mr. Wheeler - Mr. Wheeler fulfills his dream to fly like an airplane (2013)
- Tire Marks - Andy, Joey and Kelly protect a dog from getting ran over (2013)
- The Traffic Lesson - Speedy Andy learns about traffic lights (2013)
- Supermarket - The Wheelers go grocery shopping (2013)
- The New Wheels Of Razy Kelly - Razy Kelly gets bigger wheels because, She wants to be taller! (2013)
- Safari - Sporty Joey goes to the zoo, and when he ran out of fuel, The animals protected him! (2013)
- Police Day - Speedy Andy wants to be a policeman, And he gets a hat when he catches a thief who robbed the store! (2013)
- Cobie, Tony & Big Matt - Towie Cobie and Choppy Tony help Big Matt when he breaks down. (2013)
- Street Hero - During a flood, Mr. Wheeler decides to save the day! (2013)
Season 2: (2014-2015)[]
- Space Odyssey - Speedy Andy has a dream about going to space (2014)
- Undersea Journey - Razy Kelly and a yellow submarine dive into the big blue sea to look at ocean life. (2014)
- Firefighting - Towie Cobie sees a fire, so she decides to help. (2014)
- Amusement Park - Big Matt is depressed because he is too big for anything at the amusement park! (2014)
- School Day - Speedy Andy and his friends start school for the very first time (2014)
- Hospital - Andy, Joey and Big Matt get hurt while playing bridge crossing (2014)
- Haunted House - Mr. Wheeler gets scared when they go to the Haunted House at the amusement park! (2014)
- Lightning Rescuer - Razy Kelly saves the day when two trains are about to crash into each other! (2014)
- Ice-Cream Mountain - Mr. Wheeler and the gang go to the Ice-Cream Mountain to celebrate the new year (2014)
- Farm - Mr. Wheeler and his family help a tractor at the farm when they help the tractor out of the mud. (2015)
- Where Do I Come From? - Mr. Wheeler and his family bring Tony to the birth-place when Tony breaks down. (2015)
Season 3: (2015-2016)[]
- Toy Store - Mr. Wheeler and the friends watch Fun Tubmates at the toy store (2015)
- Happy Birthday - Sporty Joey celebrates his birthday (2015)
- BluBlu Train Movie - The crew find out why Razy Kelly pretends to be a train (2015)
- Summer Beach - Mr. Wheeler and his friends go to the beach (2015)
- Bridge Crossing - During crossing a bridge, Mr. Wheeler and his friends fall down! (2015)
- Emoji World - Mr. Wheeler and the others fight with an angry emoji! (2015)
- Halloween - Mr. Wheeler breaks the wall during Halloween (2015)
- I'm A Good Boy - Speedy Andy thinks he will be getting nothing for Christmas (2015)
- Magic Moment - Towie Cobie tries to get a toy fire station with magic due to her not having enough money (2016)
- A Beautiful Girl - Mr. Wheeler meets his love, Mrs. Wheeler. (2016)
- Thanksgiving Day - The characters celebrate Thanksgiving. (Series Finale, 2016)
- The show had three seasons running from 2013 to 2016
- The series was made in Hong Kong and Thailand
- The show lasted 33 episodes.
- The original versions of Episode 1 and Episode 26 are lost, they rereleased them
- The show was later rereleased on 13 January 2017 to 8 February 2019