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Macey Saves Christmas is the seventieth episode of My Friend Macey.

Episode Summary[]

It's a gorgeous winter day. Macey and Jon have taken to the slopes snowboarding. Jon says he hasn't been snowboarding since they competed alongside Shaun White. Macey had no idea it's been that long already. The two siblings are enjoying their time together when all of a sudden, they hear a cry for help. Macey thinks that sounded a lot like Maddie. The two go check out what's happening. The sight they see is horrifying. Dr. Eggman has created Snowball-Bot, a robot that wages the most brutal snowball fight imaginable. Macey asks Maddie what's going on here. Maddie says Eggman is attacking the ski lodge with damaging snowballs. Macey looks in horror as Lucas and Ezra get pelted by snowballs. Ashley is trying to get Joey back up on his feet. Anna is getting taken away by a stretcher. Macey thinks it's time to put an end to this. Macey and Jon confront Eggman and tell him to cut the crap. Eggman laughs and wonders what they're gonna do about it. Macey and Jon decide it's time for a snowball fight. Eggman thinks two can play at that game. He orders Orbot and Cubot to start throwing snowballs at them too. That's when Sonic speeds in, offering his assistance. It becomes a snowball fight of epic proportions.

Macey, Jon, and Sonic eventually win the fight. Macey thanks Sonic for coming in and helping. Sonic says it's no problem. He tells them he has to run now because he needs to find Christmas presents for Blaze and Silver. This makes Macey completely forget about Christmas. Jon can't believe Macey forgot. Macey remembers she needs to get Gage a Christmas present; and all of her friends for that matter. Jon wonders what she's even going to get for them. Macey begins singing a song about all of the things she plans to get for her friends. After her song, she wonders what Jon is going to get his friends. Jon says he didn't have time to prepare a musical number about his friends' gifts. Elsewhere, Gage is asking himself over and over again what he's going to get Macey for Christmas. He feels like whatever he gets her won't be enough, so he feels like he needs to go all out. He decides to consult someone for help, and who else to ask but one of Macey's best friends: Laila. Laila thinks that Gage should get whatever he feels like getting her because Macey will be content with whatever he gets her. Gage feels a little better about the present situation, but is still stuck on what to even get. Elsewhere, Daniel the Demon is spying on Gage, saying that he won't need to worry much longer once his plan comes into full swing. He laughs as his gargoyle army prepares a scary-looking machine.

After stopping Dr. Eggman, Macey has met up with her friends for some hot cocoa at Alyssa's house. Alyssa's dad brings out the last of the hot chocolate and says to let him know if any of them need anything else. Alyssa thanks her dad. Ashley asks if everyone is excited for Christmas coming up. Brea says yes because her family always has a tradition where they'll go out to eat at a hibachi restaurant for Christmas. Ashley is excited to spend her first Christmas with a boyfriend. Emma and Taylor have both picked out presents for each other, but won't say what they got each other. Macey is still thinking about what she's going to get Gage for Christmas. She says she's a little stressed out, but is excited nonetheless. Laila thinks Macey will pick out the right present for him, and he'll do the same for her. Macey hopes so. Macey also hopes that her Aunt Marcy won't play "Silent Night" on a French horn from the Christmas ham again. Kaylee wonders what the heck she's talking about. Macey says it's a long story. All of a sudden, Macey gets a phone call. To her surprise, it's Mayor Patrick. Macey wonders why Mayor Patrick is calling her right now. Mayor Patrick says that he has a special surprise waiting for Macey at town hall. He says to bring her friends with her too. Macey has no idea what to expect, but is curious on what this could be. Macey and friends head over to town hall.

Back with Daniel, he hopes his plans to eliminate Christmas come to full swing soon. He tells his gargoyles to work faster. He laughs as he knows that Christmas will soon be no more. Daniel tells his gargoyles he's prepared a little number to explain why he hates Christmas so much. After his song, the gargoyles present the machine to Daniel. Daniel says it's time to get this thing warmed up. Back at town hall, Macey and her friends have just arrived. Mayor Patrick is glad they made it, because he has something to show Macey that he's been working on for a long time. Macey wonders what it could be. Mayor Patrick says to consider this a Christmas present from him to them. When he takes off the tarp, it unveils a giant tapestry commemorating moments when Macey and friends helped save the day. Macey and friends are all in shock right now. Macey has no idea what to say. She thought the statue commemoration a while back was enough. Everyone thanks Mayor Patrick for the wonderful Christmas gift. Mayor Patrick says it was nothing. All of a sudden, a laser from the sky melts the tapestry. Mayor Patrick begins freaking out. Alyssa wonders where that beam from the sky came from. Laila says if she had a nickel for every time the gang came across a random laser from the sky, she'd be rich, probably. Brea has a feeling this has villain written all over. Mayor Patrick sulks because he worked super hard on that.

Pretty soon, all Christmas spirit around town begins getting wiped out. Dr. Discovery throws his Christmas turkey at Jeremiah. Carly and Luke begin bickering about who's gonna get the most Christmas presents. Carolers' smiles turn upside down. All sorts of Christmas decorations begin disappearing. Macey thinks this is super serious because Christmas seems to be disappearing. Ashley wonders if they should do something. Macey thinks they should: they should find the source of whoever is making Christmas go away. Without it, the town will be in despair. Alyssa thinks that's reason enough to save Christmas. Macey and friends head off to save Christmas. Meanwhile, Mayor Patrick is still sulking over the tapestry. He thinks this is worse than the time that Banzai Bill almost attacked city hall. A confused Ryan and Rachel walk over to Mayor Patrick to see what's wrong. Mayor Patrick loses it. Ryan wonders if they can call for a re-election next year.

Macey and friends have somehow managed to track the source of the beam. Kaylee is impressed that they managed to do this. Macey has a feeling that something seems really familiar about this lair. They barge in, and Macey was right. She wonders what Daniel is possibly up to. Daniel says he's ruining Christmas, of course. Brea wonders why anyone would ever hate Christmas. Daniel wonders if he really needs to sing the song again. He then commands the gargoyle army to attack. Macey remembers the gargoyle army after the gala incident. Alyssa says that before they attack, she proposes a song about what there is to love about Christmas. Daniel says he doesn't wanna hear it. Macey tells Alyssa it's a good idea, and that it'll give them a drive to fight the army. Macey and friends begin singing a song about reasons to love Christmas as they're fighting the gargoyle army. After the song, the gargoyle army is defeated. Daniel says they may have stopped the gargoyles, but he's still got one more trick up his sleeve. Daniel reveals a horrifying Santa mech. Macey and friends gasp at the sight. Kaylee can't believe Daniel turned Santa into an evil mech. Daniel orders Santa to attack. Laila sees this as a problem, considering that presents need to get delivered tonight. Macey completely forgot about that. She ponders, then gets an idea.

Macey runs out of the lair to make a phone call. Brea thinks Macey is just going to leave the mech to them. Soon enough, Macey returns inside and says help is on the way. Kaylee wonders who she just called. That's when Tails shows up to modify the Santa mech. Alyssa wonders what Tails is doing. Tails says he's going to modify the mech to help them deliver Christmas gifts in time for Christmas morning. Ashley thinks it's worth a shot. Daniel notices Tails and gets angry. He tries to stop Tails himself, but Sonic intervenes. Macey wonders how Sonic knew they were here. Sonic says he can never turn down a fight. Sonic's diversion is enough for Tails to finish modifying Santa's mech. Santa says he feels all weird now, but says they must deliver his presents before sunrise. Macey thinks that can be arranged. Santa's mech then transforms into a sleigh. Brea wonders what the flying heck is even going on anymore. Tails tells them to go deliver presents like they've never delivered before. Macey tells everyone it's time to get Christmas back on track.

Once all of the presents are delivered, Santa returns to his normal state. Santa thanks Macey and her friends for saving Christmas. He then gives them each a very special present. They all receive candy cane necklaces. Laila wonders what these necklaces are for. Santa says that if they ever find themselves in a jam, the necklace will grant them a super special power. Macey thought having a fire power was cool enough. Everyone thanks Santa for the new necklaces. Santa then says he's off to the North Pole. He takes off. Sonic, holding Daniel, says that he's got a Christmas present for Officer Roger. Macey and friends laugh as Officer Roger takes Daniel away. Daniel is angry, and says that he'll be back to ruin another holiday. He says Labor Day is next on his list. Macey thinks that this Christmas will be alright after all. That's when the entire town comes to town square and begins singing a song about how Christmas cheer has returned to the city. Macey and friends join in. After the song, Macey realizes that she never got Gage a gift. That's when Gage comes and gives Macey her gift. Macey says she never gave him a gift though. Gage says that their relationship is the best gift he could've asked for. Austin feels like that's really cheesy, but it works. Gage holds out a mistletoe for Macey, and the two kiss.

Production Information[]

  • This is the first Christmas episode, and the sixth holiday episode.
  • This is the last episode to release in 2023.
  • The instrumental track for "What Does Gage Want?" is "Shiveria: Town" from Super Mario Odyssey.
  • The instrumental track for "What's Not To Love About Christmas?" is "Ice Mountain" from Team Sonic Racing.
  • The end credits shows a montage of various cast members opening their Christmas gifts on Christmas morning. Macey's family Christmas is also shown here.
  • This episode now holds the current record of most original songs in an episode, with four in this episode.


  • "Magical Snow Day" from Sonic Runners: Heard during the snowboard sequence.
  • "Egg Hornet" from Sonic Adventure: Heard during the fight against Snowball-Bot.
  • "What Does Gage Want?": Sung by Macey.
  • "Snowball Waltz" from Sonic Lost World: Heard during the scenes at Alyssa's house.
  • "The Fib Grows" from LarryBoy: The Soundtrack: The first portion of the track is heard when the gargoyles complete the machine.
  • "Reasons Why I Hate Christmas": Sung by Daniel the Demon.
  • "The Return of Palutena" from Kid Icarus: Uprising: The last portion of the track is heard when Mayor Patrick reveals the tapestry.
  • "Hurry!" from Super Mario Galaxy 2: Heard when Christmas spirit begins disappearing.
  • "Sad Song" from Super Mario RPG (2023): Heard when Mayor Patrick sulks over the tapestry.
  • "What's Not To Love About Christmas?": Sung by Macey and friends.
  • "Christmas Is Starting Now" by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy: Heard during the present delivery montage.
  • "Christmas Cheer All Around": Sung by the cast.
  • "Don't Be A Jerk (It's Christmas)" from It's a SpongeBob Christmas! (Instrumental): Heard during the end credits.


Inside References[]

Real-World References[]

  • At one point, Jon rotates so fast that the rotations are shown on screen. This is a reference to the Mario Party 6 minigame "Snow Whirled".
  • One of the gifts Macey thinks about getting Gage is a solar-powered turkey chopper, a reference to the "Salesmunz Rap" from VeggieTales: Madame Blueberry.
  • During "What's Not To Love About Christmas?", Macey mentions watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Laila also mentions maple syrup spaghetti, a reference to Elf.
  • "Christmas Is Starting Now" plays during the delivery montage, as the scene plays out similarly to that of Phineas and Ferb: Christmas Vacation!.
  • Knuckles is seen receiving grapes as a present, a reference to the Sonic canon that his favorite food is grapes.