TV Fanon Wiki

Lunar June is a show/comic series about a young child-like woman who attends the California State University, Long Beach with her classmates that become her teammates on the Moon Squad. It is a parody of Sailor Moon and mixes Asian and American cultural themes.


Unmarked Spoilers ahead:

  • June Suzuki - The whiny drama queen protagonist of the show. She is the dazzling center of her own universe and insists that everything be about her. She may be seen as vain and emotional but harbors some consideration for others at times. She is stubborn, hypocritical and a slow learner, and tends to take things literally. She would often instigate conflict in her house and between her friends in earlier episodes. (Anna Garduno)
  • Carrie - She is the first to join the Moon Squad, though she seemingly dislikes June and is constantly putting her down, with June being unable to get the upper hand. Carrie usually gets annoyed with June and will do anything to get June to stop bothering her. One instance of this is in "Sneeze, Please" when June tries to catch her cold, and Lindsay insists they're best friends, Carrie plays a trick on her, which involves a "best friend hug" that requires June to close her eyes. In the next scene, June goes flying out the window and Carrie yells, "And stay out!" In the movie, she only says the reason she makes fun of June is because of what a "poser" she thinks June is. And then adds that June would be better off if she would just be herself and "stopped trying to act like such a hot-shot". Not very different from June, she is vain and prone to greed and vanity. Though unlike June, can get the feel for subtext in social situations, handle responsibility and can get on with people much better. Because of her annoyance with June, she is always directing sarcastic comments at her, with June unable to think of a (good enough) comeback quickly enough, though June will usually catch on to her jibes too slowly or miss the point completely. (Susan Eisenberg)
  • June '"JJ'" Junior - A bratty 11-year-old who easily outwits June. By the time she was introduced, she claimed she was June's cousin. Upon her initial appearance, she is sassy, foul-mouthed, bratty, calculating and willing to cause trouble. She traveled back in time to meet Lunar June,only to be disappointed to who she met. JJ seemed to be able to outsmart June and be one step ahead of her in her tricks. JJ also demonstrated more awareness of social cues than June did, being able to pick up on everyone hating June, therefore, JJ was quickly able to detect June as being the "runt" of the group, and used this to her advantage, knowing everyone would automatically turn against her. It is later revealed she is June and Tyrion's daughter from the future. (Tara Strong)
  • Wheelie - A girl in a wheelchair that joins the Moon Squad. (Vanessa Marshall)
  • Sarah - An African-American girl that joins the Moon Squad. (Cree Summer)


  • Tyrion/The Masked Monkeysuit- A friend of June's. In the beginning, they'd clash with each other alot. Later, June develops an obsession with, which can make him feel overwhelmed. (Josh Keaton)
  • Suzuki Family - June's family, which consists of her brother Julius and their mother, and additionally, two cousins, April and May (the latter who later joins the Moon Squad). The father is nowhere to be seen. The mother is shown to be bipolar, as she can be frustrated one moment, then calm the next. Julius is similar to Carrie and JJ, in that he is snarky and more socially aware than his older sister. However, he is moodier and enjoys his own company. (David Herman, Julius (Susan Eisenberg, May) (Max Casella, Mom)

Gallery/External Link[]

Gaia Avatar rendering of June.

Gaia Avatar rendering of JJ.

Gaia Avatar rendering of Tyrion.

Gaia Avatar rendering of May.

Gaia Avatar rendering of Julius.

Gaia Avatar rendering of Wheelie.

Gaia Avatar rendering of Sarah.

Gaia Avatar rendering of Carrie.

Real Life Songs[]

A list of real life songs in Lunar June.

  • Lips Like Sugar - Flo Rida
  • Right Round - Flo Rida
  • Blame It - Jamie Foxx
  • Keeps Getting Better - Christina Aguilera
  • Fireflies - Owl City
  • Tipsy - Tara Strong (originally by J-Kwon)
  • Poker Face - Lady Gaga
  • Bad Romance - Lady Gaga (the into is once sung by June)
  • Just Dance - Lady Gaga
  • Paparazzi - Lady Gaga