This is a list of episodes in the part live action part animated series The Enchanted Forest.
- The Animals of The Forest
- The Mission
- The Enemy
- Animals to The Rescue
- The Llama
- New Friends
- Kuzco's Promise
- Adventure in The Forest
- Journey to Nottingham
- The Escape
- The Duo
- The Pursuit
- Best Friends
- Thorn Valley
- Return of An Old Friend
- Friendship and Love
- Enter Hugo
- Adopted
- The Monkey King
- Running Away
- The Jedi
- Hugo Escapes
- London Town
- The Chase
- The Village
- Jedi Hugo
- Kiara and The Fraggles
- Scar's Plot
- Enter Tod
- The Fox Chase
- The Reunion
- Forest Showdown
- Lord Maliss
- Twilight's Victory
- Snips and Snails
- Launchpad to The Rescue
- Not Friends Anymore
- Kuzco Reformed
- Enter Tommy Oliver
- Pet Pony
- Fraggle Temple
- Welcome to The Forest
- Searching for Fraggles
- The Green Ranger
- Twilight in Love?
- The Great Animal
- Pooh vs Hook
- Enter Flash Sentry
- Twilight's Engagement
- Funny Friends
- Twilight is Adopted
- The Revenge
- Twilight's Romance
- Enter Bambi
- The Cricket
- The Legacy of The Forest
- Bambi Runs Away
- Bambi in London
- Tommy vs Lothor
- The Cave of Wonders
- The Tyrant
- Lord Tod
- The Green Dinosaur
- Banishment
- The Little Cottage
- The Wolf
- The Lioness
- Show Business in The Forest
- The Gloomy Forest
- Rebuilding The Forest
- The Rise of Goldar
- The Stag Brothers
- The Kingdom Ball
- The Tower
- The Rise of The Deer
- Three Wishes
- The Rise of The Lioness
- The Downfall of The Lioness
- The Return of The Fox
- Pleasure Island
- Donkey Transformation
- Bambi's Cousin
- Bambi's New Home
- The Fox and The Deer
- The Warner Siblings
- Jack the Fox
- The Return of The Enchantment
- Tank Engine Ride
- Snowball
- Skippy's Mission
- Pinky and The Brain in The Forest
- Dot's Mistake
- Wakko to The Rescue
- A Blue Day for Dot Warner
- The Golden Age
- Return of The Green Ranger
- Raiders in The Forest
- Ronno
- The Fox Family