TV Fanon Wiki

A list of Stranded: The Series episodes.

Season Episodes First aired Last aired
1 13 September 4, 2000 January 15, 2001
2 13 June 18, 2001 February 18, 2002
3 13 July 12, 2002 June 8, 2004
4 13 February 6, 2005 September 2, 2006


Episode Description Air date
Treasure Hunt After finding a treasure map, Ziggy and TJ Foxx compete to find a buried treasure.  September 4, 2000
Just Like Triton Triton and Ziggy spend time with each other in order for them to better understand each other. September 4, 2000
Stuck! Ziggy gets stuck in a hole. September 4, 2000
Beeware of the Bees! After getting some honey, Ziggy is attacked by big stinger bees and must escape. September 18, 2000
Taming the Beast Ziggy attempts to tame the Savage Beast. October 2, 2000
Sam vs. Ham After a fight caused by TJ Foxx, Sam and Ham become sworn enemies, so Ziggy and Triton have to help restore their friendship. October 9, 2000
Boo! After TJ Foxx keeps scaring Ziggy one too many times,  Ziggy wants to scare him back for once. October 23, 2000
Ziggy of the Jungle Ziggy gives up his life as a pirate for a more natural life in the jungle. November 6, 2000
The Brave and the Buff Pipsqueak wants to get stronger when TJ Foxx forces him to fight him. November 13, 2000
Pirate's Privacy Triton has to find somewhere for Ziggy to "go" on the island. February 17, 2001
Conked TJ Foxx gets amnesia and becomes good friends with Ziggy and the others. November 27, 2000
TBA TBA December 18, 2000
TBA TBA January 15, 2001

Season 2[]

Episode Description Air date
Stolen Sword Ziggy wakes up to his sword missing, and his friends help him find it. June 18, 2001
Ziggy and Ali Sitting in a Tree After TJ Foxx spreads a rumor about Ziggy and Ali being in a relationship, they spend time apart and must debunk the rumors. June 25, 2001
Point of Phillip

This episode chronicles Phillip's daily life on the island in his point of view.

July 16, 2001
Plugged Up Home TJ Foxx keeps covering up Douglas's holes, and Douglas wants to put a stop to it. July 30, 2001
Pirate's Grumpiness Ziggy is upset about something, too upset to do anything. Trouble rises when his anger goes out of control. August 6, 2001
Pirate's Sick Day Ziggy gets the stomach flu. August 13, 2001
Hairball's Best Friend After TJ saves Hairball from choking, he promises to be more nice to him. August 27, 2001
Pirate's Age Regression Ziggy looks into a magic spinning top and then turns into a baby. September 3, 2001
Pirate's Bad Luck Ziggy gets bad luck after breaking an ancient mirror his friends found September 24, 2001
Trapped in the Enchanted Forest Ziggy invents a catapult to try to get his way home, but when he, Sam, and Ham test it out, they get flung into the enchanted forest. October 8, 2001
Selfish Ziggy Ziggy becomes greedy after making lots of wishes from a wish-granting crab. November 12, 2001
Pirate's in the Sky In an attempt to get him home, Sam and Ham find some balloons and tie them onto Ziggy, but soon after, he floats away. January 21, 2002
Ziggy's Crew Ziggy recounts his pirate adventures with his crew before he got stranded on the island. February 18, 2002

Season 3[]

Episode Description Air date
Pirate's Lessons Tag wants to learn how to be a pirate. Thankfully, Ziggy's there to show her the ropes. July 12, 2002
Shell Games Greta Shellback tells Ziggy about how a turtle got its shell. April 20, 2002
Little Red Riding Captain Ziggy and the Locals put on a play about Little Red Riding Hood April 11, 2003
A Dark and Stormy Night Ziggy gets traumatized after a large storm hits Uninhabited. October 25, 2002
The Rope Incident Ziggy and Tag accidentally get themselves stuck together with ropes. February 24, 2003
The Pirate Piper A bored Ziggy decides to make music, and the Locals follow him. July 18, 2003
Pirate's Bad Word Tag learns a bad word from Ziggy September 16, 2003
Thanks for Giving Ziggy tries to prepare the biggest Thanksgiving meal for his friends. November 21, 2003
Goodbye, Mr. Koi Ziggy has to say goodbye to Mr. Koi after he is unable to wake up. February 16, 2004
You're It! Tag accidentally puts his friends in an endless game of tag. March 12, 2004
Pirate's Stomach Pain Thanks to his poor eating habits, Ziggy becomes constipated. March 12, 2004
Sam Without Ham Sam and Ham get lost and get separated from each other. March 12, 2004
Journey to Mount Uninhabited Ziggy and Triton work on summiting Mount Uninhabited. June 8, 2004

Season 4[]

Episode Description Air date
Pirate's Talent Show Ziggy and the crew host a talent show. February 6, 2005
One Bad Snap Sam and Ham accidentally break Ziggy's arm during mining. May 10, 2005
August, 2005
Things That Go Bump in the Night Something's going thump, thump, thump, and it scares Ziggy, so he and his friends go on a monster hunt. October 28, 2005
Pirate's Christmas Cheer During the Christmas season, Ziggy, missing home, thinks that his crew has forgotten about him, so with the help of a fairy, he imagines what life is like without him. December 9, 2005
Pirate's Age Progression Ziggy finds the same spinning top that turned him into a baby and finds another setting on its dial. Ziggy looks into the top once again and turns into an old man. March 2006
Pirate's Splinter When Ziggy gets a large, stubborn splinter in his paw, he fears it will hurt when Greta Shellback tries to take it out. May 12, 2006
July 2006
Round and Round Ziggy and Triton lead the viewers on a large tour of Uninhabited. September 2, 2006
Hi-Yo, Savage Beast! The Savage Beast tries to pick out a gift for Captain Bigpaw. September 2, 2006
Memories of a Captain Bigpaw and the crew express memories about Ziggy. September 2, 2006
Things Change On the third anniversary of Ziggy's appearance on the island, Ziggy shares his memories on how island life has affected him. September 2, 2006
Pirates' Hopefulness Ziggy and Bigpaw have high hopes of finding each other. September 2, 2006