Leli Titoubou Show Show Show! (乐利蒂托布大大秀) is a sequel of Leli Titobou QiQi Adventure, It was created by iBreeze Chinese Factory Worker, The episodes are based on KACM and Blueberry Luetien, iBreeze Chinese Factory makes the subtitles grammarly correct, The show is more directed for an younger audience now,
Main characters[]
- 乐利 (Roary)
- 蒂托布 (Tin Top)
- 奇奇 (Cici)
- 马卡西 (Maxi)
- 乐斯蒂 (Rusty the father)
- 多高先生 (Doc Hudson)
- 闪电麦昆 (Lightning McQueen)
- 警察叔叔 (Sheriff)
- 企鹅哥哥 (Pingu)
Other characters[]
- 波巴 (Bubba)
- 回收电池叔叔 (Jerry Recycled Batteries)
- 军士叔叔 (Sarge)
- 消防员叔叔 (Pulaski)
- 淘气帕特 (Pat Mycrotch)
- 救护车阿姨 (Rescue Squad Ambulance)
- 强硬的大男子主义 (El Machismo)
- 起重机叔叔 (City-San Crane)
- 推土机叔叔 (Big Bull)
- 莎莉 (Sally)
- 美多 (Mater)
- 警察叔叔,帮我找到失踪的爸爸
- 别给陌生人开门
- 快叫警察叔叔救多高先生师傅
- 摇摇车
- 特色巴士让大家开心!
- 乐利变身小警察
- 不要在电梯里玩耍
- 挑选你最喜欢的水果宝宝
- 闪电麦昆有危险了!
- 碰碰车真好玩啊!
- 大海龟在大海里
- 刷牙服装
- 不要违反交通规则
- 禁止恶作剧电话
- 消防员叔叔的大救援!
- 向好人学习榜样
- 莎莉吃了太多草莓蛋糕
- 施工现场很危险
- 乐利在超市
- 美多和小毛驴
- 警察叔叔一分钱
- 多高先生是一位著名的赛车手?!
- 良好的体育精神
- 救救车里被烤熟企鹅哥哥
- 企鹅哥哥与交通安全
- 屁里有气泡
English (subtitled)[]
- Help me, Sheriff!
- Bad kidnapper at the door
- Doc Hudson in danger!
- Let's play on the rocking car!
- Ride on the bus, Let's be happy!
- Little Policeman Roary
- Playing in the Elevator is Dangerous
- Pick your favorite fruit!
- Lightning McQueen is getting robbed!
- Let's go, Bumper cars!
- Big turtle in the sea
- Brushing teeth is fun
- Red light stop, Green light go!
- Prank calls are not fun!
- The Firefighter's Big Rescue
- Learn examples from Good People
- Sally eats too much strawberry cake
- It's dangerous at the construction site
- Roary goes to the supermarket
- Mater and a Little Donkey
- I found a coin!
- Don't underestimate people
- A Good sport
- Is it actually a thief?
- Following traffic rules
- Bubbles in the fart