TV Fanon Wiki

Hosts vs. Objects is an American adult animated crossover horror comedy film directed by Jonathan Milott and Cary Murnion from a screenplay written by Ian Brennan and Leigh Whannell. Serving as a zombie apocalypse film reimagining of the various object shows, it plots a group of hosts who must fight to survive an outbreak among the contestants that become really aggressive and cannibalistic.

The film was released on November, 15, 2021 on digitally by Netflix.


Four and the host crew come under attack from the contestants who have turned into angry and mobbing vicious monsters infected by the contaminated chicken nuggets.


A batch of poorly prepared chicken nuggets containing a mutant virus arrives at the Object Multiverse Charter School where a BFB contestant, Liy consumes one of the tainted black-dotted chicken nuggets. Meanwhile, an aspiring host named Four (from Battle for BFDI) substitutes at the school while reunited with his former co-host X, who he learned is working with Two. During Battle for Dream Island class when Pen is been attacked by a blister-ridden and increasingly feral Liy with Four getting scratched by him before he runs. Pen was taken to the nurse's office with Marker confronts Liy while attempts to dig her way out of the school. But then she ends up infecting him, spreads it throughout the school's playground by scratching the majority of the contestants (some of them from different object shows) before proceed to maul and kill several hosts from various object shows including Window (from Object Universe), Toilet Paper (from Battle for Replica Island), Remote (from Object Havoc) and Calculator (from Object Mayhem).

Later when the trio and the trio of surviving hosts MePhone4 (from Inanimate Insanity), Gamey (from Object Overload) and Crayon Box with her crayons (from Open Source Objects) were forced to flee the faculty lounge when attacked by Pen. Escaping into the library and joined by an uninfected contestant Profily, the survivors barricades themselves in the music room so Two notices that Four's been scratched by Liy before it starts quarantining him. Meanwhile, MePhone4 deduces that Four is only experiencing symptoms of stomach flu as the virus does not affect the hosts like it does the contestants. A sole-surviving student full of wisdom, Profily concludes that the "cooties" were the culprit behind of the infection, completely moving the entire school.

The hosts plans to head into the roof at the end of the school day and call out to the arriving uninfected contestants for help, only to watch Lollipop (from Object Brawl) to get killed by Sharpener (Object Brawl) before being forced back into the school. As Two forced to kill Marker when he followed them into the auditorium, the group is joined by an Inanimate Insanity contestant named Soap, who they found was almost scratched by one of the infected contestants. MePhone4 concludes from his autopsy of Marker that the contestants are mostly brain dead and the virus only affects preadolescent competitors. As Pen takes out the power, the survivor group sees that Profily starts passing out from a diabetic shock while escape with a host from Object Oppose, Microphone and take refuge with him.

The group sends Four through the ventilation system to get a free dark chocolate chip bar for Profily along with the truck keys and their cellphones. After X joins Four, they manage to secure a dark chocolate bar to bring Woody out of diabetic shock. The duo are separated from the group and gets trapped in the library, where they confess their feelings for each other and kiss. Shortly after, Two apologizes to X for his behavior over a walkie-talkie. Four knocks out several contestants with pills so he and X reconvene with Two and the others to make themselves some improvised weapons. The survivors fighting their way throughout the school's hallway and the parking lot, with Microphone being overwhelmed by the zombified contestants inside the charter school while Two stays behind to ensure the others getting away. Pen, having hidden in the truck's bed, attacks Four and ends up being crushed against the oak tree.

The remainders continue to the nearby town of Object Terror's Conotiopia before the truck runs out of gas, finding the town similarly overrun while learning the viral infection has spread across the multiverse. Several contestants had ambush them, they barricade themselves inside the family entertainment center where they retrieve an contaminated chicken nugget for MePhone4 to study in the hope of developing a vaccine. They later been cornered in the forest-theme toddler playroom by Liy and the contestants. Microphone and Two arrive in the van driven by Controlly (from Brawl of the Objects) and help the group escape from the playroom. Two uses a massive beach ball to barricade the contestants inside by spraying them with a water gun filled with gasoline, lighting the gasoline trail to burn the place down. They manage to escape, driving out of the town to "someplace contestants don't wanna go" before Liy burns to death in pursuit while trying to catch them.

In the post-credits scene where Microphone is seen at school, sitting in the chair and having a snack break, he finishes telling a story to the different object show hosts earlier.


Four - The main protagonist and the host from BFB.

Two - The secondary protagonist and the host from BFDI: The Power of Two.

X - The deuteragonist and the co-host from BFB.

Liy - The main antagonist and one of the contestants from BFB.

Pen - The secondary antagonist and one of the contestants from BFB.

Marker - The major antagonist and one of the contestants from BFB.

MePhone4 - the host of Inanimate Insanity.

Gamey - the host of Object Overload.

Crayon Box - the host of Open Source Objects and the only female survivor remaining.

Red Crayon - one of the co-hosts from Open Source Objects.

Yellow Crayon - one of the co-hosts from Open Source Objects.

Green Crayon - one of the co-hosts from Open Source Objects.

Blue Crayon - one of the co-hosts from Open Source Objects.

Controlly - the host from Brawl of the Objects.

Microphone - the host of Object Oppose and the school's janitor.

Remote - the host of Object Havoc and the school's vice principal.


Michael Huang as Blocky, Book, Bubble, Cloudy, Coiny, David, Donut, Eraser, Firey, Flower, Four, Fries, Golf Ball, Leafy, Loser, Pen, Pencil, Puffball, Robot Flower, Snowball, Spongy, Tennis Ball, Woody and Yellow Face.

Cary Huang as Match, Pin, Tennis Ball, Grassy, X, Remote (BFB), Bracelety, 8 Ball, Picture, Ruby and Marker.

Satomi Hinatsu as Balloony, Basketball, Black Hole, Bomby, Bottle, Clock, Fanny (BFB), Firey Jr, Gaty, Ice Cube, Needle, Rocky and Saw.

Sabrina as Lighting and Liy.

Kenzie Bryant as Taco (BFB)

Graham Taylor as Gelatin

Sam C. Lee as Stapy

Cindy Jeo Jiang as Pillow and Foldy.

Adam Katz as Apple, Test Tube, Joshua, Nickel, Dusty and Baseball.

Mark Katz as MePhone4

Justin Napolitano as Trophy

Taylor Grodin as OJ, Paintbrush and Snowglobe.

Rheagan Rizio as Taco (II)

Hailey Chapman as Microphone

Brian Koch as Fan

Justin Chapman as Knife, Globe (OU), Gun and Paper

Dee Cashin as Marshmallow

Alexa Chapman as Salt and Pepper

Niall Burns as Two, Boxing Glove, Clock (OO), Cherry, Gamey, Globe (OO), Lamp (OH), Lighter, Paper Airplane, Ping-Pong Ball, Profily, Pumpkin, Soccer Ball, Tennis Racket, Tissue (OO), Toothy and Top Hat.

Kacie Chapman as Casey, Coney, Crayon, Kite, Locky, Melony, Popcorn, Soap and Tiki.

Samuel Thornbury as Window, 3DS, Asthma Inhaler, Altas, Baseball (OU), Boombox (OO), Bottle (OU), Butter, Burrito, Chatterbox, Cupcake, Ice Cream (OU), Icicle, Fly Swat, Lego, Map, MiiU, Propeller Hat, Rocket (OU), Suitcase and USB.

TheOrangeLoveAnt as Balloon (OU) and Button (OU)

Volcanoclaw as Badge

TheTGrodz as Mario Hat

Retro Guy as Remote (OU)

Fallingwithstyle1995 as Rubix Cube and Whistle

Topcalman129 as Remote (OH)

InterstellarLizard as Basketball (OH), Binder, Bucket, Gold, Hammer, IPod, Jet Engine, Lighter (OH), Plate, Stick (OH), Volleyball and Wheel.

Kingsley K. Esezobor (UltraToons) as Calculator, Basketball (OU), Cup (OU), Donut (OM), Button (OM), Pizza and Dr. Lemon.

Anko6theAnimator as Controlly, Baguette, Big Orange Chicken, Boat, Boombox (BOTO), Chocolatey, Disco Ball, Hot Dog, Party Hat, Pear, Pinecone, Pizza (BOTO), Popsicley, Scissors, Shelly, Shieldy and Slurpy.

Derek Napolitano as Pickle and Cherries

Michael Bruzzone as Lightbulb

Asaph Ellison as Toaster

Eddie Kingston as Disc

Haruhi Suzumiya as Candy

Marco Bonomo as Yin-Yang Tune and Marble

DeeandEd as Cactus

Raocow as Mailbox

Legotd61 as Ice Cream (OM) and Sharpener

The2Trolles as Bouncy Ball, Green Bouncy Ball and Dollar

TBlizzi as Toast

Princess Esezobor as Jigsaw

Marlina Esezobor as Dice

Jaggerbug as Phone and TV (OU)

TheCoconutBatman as Notebook

TippersWallaby as Biscuit

CelestialSimmer as Perfume (OM)

WebzForevz as Football

AllMightyAmmolite as Flower Pot and Headphones

TotalDreamIsland5543 as Ribbon

MaximumPower2002 as Credit Card

MegaAmazing as Shamrock

Darryl McGee as Microphone

Legoboynj Animations as Printer

XTremeAnimations as Lollipop (Object Brawl)

StrangelyUnknown as Crayon Box

Echostrikes as Red Crayon

RealGuy as Yellow Crayon

Hal emmerichs as Green Crayon

MD as Blue Crayon

Legoboynj Animations as Printer

Alex as Perfume (VOO)

Andre as Nurse Hat

YearsAnimations as Toilet Paper



Hosts vs. Objects/Transcript

Hosts vs. Objects/Trailer Transcripts


Hosts vs. Objects was confirmed to be based on the 2014-2015 American film, Cooties.

The film is confirmed to be Rated R.

Two was confirmed as Four's former arch-rival.

The characters were confirmed by taking the roles of the characters from Cooties:

  • Four: Clint Hadson
  • X: Lucy McCormick
  • Two: Wade
  • Liy: Shelley Linker
  • Pen: Patriot
  • Marker: Dink
  • MePhone4: Doug Davis
  • Gamey: Tracey Lacey
  • Crayon Box: Rebekkah Halverson
  • Window: Mr. Pederson
  • Toilet Paper: Mrs. Nash
  • Remote: Vice Principal Simms
  • Calculator: Sheriff Dave
  • Profile Picturey: Mrs. Gordon
  • Printer: Mr. Henderson
  • IPad: Ms. Stanford
  • Suitcase: Angela
  • Toaster: Hank
  • Dice: Tricycle Girl
  • Sharpener (OB): Racer Dopkins
  • Sticker: Racer's Baby Brother
  • Lollipop (OB): Mrs. Dopkins
  • Perfume: Mrs. Brik
  • One: Kate Hadson


Action Boy: X. He volunteers to follow Four through the air vents and during the big fight against the zombies in the schoolyard, he's the only one without a weapon... and still kicks ass.

Adult Fear: The idea of the competitors killing (let alone eating) innocent objects. That would be any host's worst nightmare.

Air-Vent Passageway: Played realistically — they're small enough that Four and X are the only ones who can fit through them. So can the contestants.

All Asians Know Kung Fu: Microphone. Zig-zagged, in the sense that he only seems to know weapon-based Martial Arts.

Almighty Janitor: Microphone (the Object Oppose host) can kick some serious ass, and seems to enjoy it to boot.

Asshole Victim:

  • A lot of object show contestants who eventually turn into zombies in this movie are dicks, so you're not feeling sorry for them.
  • Especially Pen, threatens to falsely claim X abused him and tries to help out Liy. When he gets his face impaled at the end, you cheer, especially since he's a little shit as a zombie, too.

Badass Host: A rare example where the students are the enemies. All the hosts manage to hold their own against the contestants.

Bastard Boyfriend: Two has shades of this at first in regards to X.

Beware the Nice Ones: X is all cheerful and friendly and seems like the most reasonable member of the group until she gets fed up with Two's Jerk Jock behavior and she snaps at him and the rest of the group except Four.

Big Damn Heroes: Two and Microphone (Object Oppose). With the stoner as the driver.

Bunny-Ears Lawyer: MePhone4 is a lunatic, but he's also a bonafide genius who is able to singlehandidly decipher everything relating to the virus over the course of the film.

Butt-Monkey: As seen in the trailer, Four has a hard enough time getting respect from his contestants.

Camp Gay: Gamey, although he doesn't actually admit it until near the end. He tries so desperately to hide his blatant homosexuality that he comes across as a very Transparent Closet sort of character until near the end of the film.

Cell Phones Are Useless: Remote (Object Havoc) confiscated all the cell phones, which are presumably later destroyed by Pen.

Chekhov's Skill: Two's football skills help him get through a playground filled with the zombie competitors.

Childhood Brain Damage: It's safe to say that at least a good majority of the things wrong with MePhone4 can be attributed to when he had a 6 inch spike lodged in his skull as a child.

Cloudcuckoolander: MePhone4. He has terrible social skills, and doesn't even bat an eye when he realizes he wasn't wearing gloves when he examined Clint's fluids with his hands.

Combat Pragmatist: The hosts, who weaponize everyday elementary school objects such as jump ropes, cymbals, and baseball machines. Also counts as Mundane Made Awesome.

Crapsaccharine World: The movie's pretty colorful despite all the object zombies trying to kill their hosts and their host friends.

Creepy Children Singing: The opening credits feature the journey of a tainted chicken nugget from slaughterhouse to cafeteria, with all the gory details... which would have been disturbing enough without a soundtrack consisting of children chanting gibberish, grinding synthesizers, and what can only be described as a sinister kazoo chorus.

Death of a Child: Taken to the extreme.

Department of Redundancy Department:

  • Four: I mean, I thought I would have free time to write, in my free time ...

Dissonant Serenity: MePhone4’s reaction to the zombie attack, as seen in the page quote above.

Dwindling Party: Inverted. The group of survivors gradually gets larger as the movie progresses and everyone who makes it past the first act survives the film.

Failed a Spot Check:

  • Two is too busy shooting hoops to notice children eating teachers right behind him.
  • Also, Lollipop (Object Brawl) is distracted by a phone-call, to the point that she does not notice Sharpener (Object Brawl) is zombified and also does not notice the zombification of Sticker.

Final Girl:

  • Genderswapped with Profily, as well as a rare child example. Profily is the only kid left who's not infected by the Cooties in their charter school. They later joins the hosts to fend off the zombies.
  • Played much more straighter when the group find another uninfected contestant, Soap, although like Profily she is still a rare example of this trope being used for a characters who's far younger than most examples. Turns out Soap's immune to the zombifying effects of the Cooties as she's undergoing the processes of puberty. However, it is never shown or mentioned if Profily went through puberty.

Force and Finesse: Two and Microphone, the hosts' two strongest fighters, respectively.

The Fundamentalist: Crayon Box, a right-wing Christian who's obsessed with guns and bemoans the fact that she can't teach creationism in her class.

Gross-Up Close-Up: A rare live-action example at the end of the opening credits, where the aforementioned soon-to-be-Patient Liy picks up an infected chicken nugget, the image of the black-blotched morsel filling the screen and oozing black pus when she takes a bite.

Hate Sink: While the film doesn't have a central villain, Pen is shown to be a major Bratty Half-Pint before getting bitten and serves as the most persistent, prominent and dangerous zombie throughout it.

Headphones Equal Isolation: Lollipop picking up Sharpener is so into her phone call on her headset she doesn't notice Sticker attacking her infant.

Heroic BSoD: Two undergoes a brief one when he kills one of the infected competitors.

Heroic Sacrifice: Subverted by Two. When it looks like he's about to to be ripped apart by the infected children, he throws the keys to his dual rear wheel to Clint, but he's revealed to have fought them off.

Hot Teacher: An example with no Teacher/Student Romance. Both Two and Four have fallen for X.

Hypocritical Humor: Remote who confiscated all of the cell phones is seen using them when no one's around.

It Can Think: The infected objects display a degree of intelligence, particularly Pen, who manages to rip out the phone lines and mount the dual rear wheel just as the team is leaving the school.

Jaded Washout: Two, the primary host, is heavily implied to be one.

Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Two is an abrasive asshole whose relationship with X verges very closely towards abuse, but he's also shown to genuinely love his job as a teacher, care about his peers and have the qualities of a reliable leader. And in the end, he even ultimately redeems himself in X's eyes as well and learns to be a better host to him.

Contestants Are Cruel: When they’re zombies, of course, but they really aren't that much better beforehand, bullying each other and being assholes to the teachers - see Asshole Victim, above.

Knight Templar: Invoked by Pen's blatantly racist goals for his future, which was apparently to become a Marine just so that he can kill Arabic people. Judging from his aforementioned goals, Pen wanted badly to grow up into this. Too bad for him that it's not that kind of movie.

Lock-and-Load Montage: Lampshaded by Two.

  • Two: Remember that suiting-up montage in every action film? This is that scene.

Love Triangle: Between Four, X and Two.

Mood Whiplash: The trailer first plays out like a typical family film taking place in the charter school, from the hosts getting no respect from the contestants to bullies picking on Liy for her odd blemishes on her face... until one of them accidentally flips her switch and realizes too late that something is wrong.

Most Writers Are Writers: Four is a writer, working on a book. The movie pokes some fun at writers asking for criticism from people who don't want to give it, and writers who will take any opportunity to talk about what they are writing.

Nausea Fuel: In-Universe, the teachers nearly vomit when MePhone4 shows them his hands. His messy, filthy hands covered in Four's "fluids".

Patient Zero: Liy accidentally eats the infected chicken nugget.

Pre Ass Kicking One Liner:

  • Wade: Game over, shittyballs! (Throws a match onto the gasoline.)

Politically Incorrect Jerkass: Pen before zombification, as shown by the way he describes Arabic people.

The Problem with Pen Island: Marker points this out when Four writes his name on the board. The capital "O" and "R" make it look like "FUCK".

Refuge in Audacity: The whole movie runs on this, what with not just having violently psychotic competitors, but having them swear, generally act extremely inappropriately long before they go crazy.

Running Gag: Several, like Wade's inability to pronounce "Dual rear wheel" and MePhone4 telling people to be quiet when they're not talking.

Sequel Hook: The movie ends with a cryptic comment that hints at the possibility.

The Smart Guy: MePhone4 the smartphone host.

The Stoner: The shroom-using crossing guard.

The Virus:

Title Drop:

  • Profily: It looks like Liy has the cooties.

Tongue Twister: Betcha had never tried to say "dual rear wheel" before this movie, huh?

Trailers Always Spoil: The trailer gives a lot more away than you’d think.

Transparent Closet: Gamey, see Camp Gay above. So transparent it's barely a closet. Subverted when he finally admits that he is gay before the first night battle with the zombie contestants.

Unusually Uninteresting Sight: See the page quote.

What Ever Happened To The Mouse: The Helmet Contestant's fate is never revealed.

Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: Lampshaded with Pen.

Would Hurt a Child: Justified Trope, as these specific competitors are flesh-eating zombies in this case.

Wrong Genre Savvy: Pen seems to think that this is his origin story before he becomes a badass Marine. Boy, is he wrong!

You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: Two’s reaction to immunity simply being having gone through puberty.

Zombie Apocalypse: Several radio broadcasts reveal that the plague has spread citywide.

Death Count[]

  1. Window - Shattered and killed by the zombie contestants.
  2. Toilet Paper - Devoured by the contestants.
  3. Nurse Hat - Killed and eaten by Zombie Pen offscreen.
  4. Remote (OH) - Limbs ripped off, torn apart by the contestants.
  5. Profile Picturey - Throat ripped out by Zombie Pen.
  6. Calculator - Killed by Zombie Liy (driving offscreen).
  7. Perfume - Killed by Zombie Pen in the cabinet (death not seen).
  8. Printer - Killed by the contestants outside.
  9. Tetherball Victim - Decapitated, head used as tetherball.
  10. Lollipop - Killed by Zombie Sticker.
  11. Marker - Head bludgeoned repeatedly by Two w/ fire extinguisher.
  12. IPad - Found with his wires hanging out.
  13. Unknown Victim - Seen dead while mauled by the contestants.
  14. Pen - Impaled in face w/ trailer hitch, smashed against tree.
  15. 10 objects - Seen dead in Conotiopia.
  16. 2 Object Employees - Seen dead in the fun zone.
  17. Liy - Burned to death by Two.


United States - Rated R: Restricted – Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian.




Character Galleries[]


Exclusive Clips[]


Gamey: WHO IS THAT LADY?!!!!!

Two: I'm giving you contestants an "F", for FUCK YOU!!!!!!!


Variant Logos[]



Glacier Films

Object Horror Studios
