TV Fanon Wiki

Heroes R, also known as Heroes R: The Animation, is a action animated web series created by UΠMaskΞD®.

The show was going to be a comic book series by UΠMaskΞD at first but then changed it into a Dragon Ball Z and Persona 5-style action packed animated series. Heroes R started airing on YouTube and Instagram on November 22nd, 2019 and ended airing on December 31st, 2019.


Heroes R follows the adventures of Jason, Sonic, Warrior, Liberty and more as they fight with powerful villains whose goals are trying to take over the world or defeating them. However, Jason has came across a new companion of his which is a Guardian Spirit named Flamefighter.

With each villain returning for a "round 2, 3 or more" such as Ultra (which is his Alpha counterpart) and Negaman (planned season 2), the main hero characters must learn new skills of fighting to become more powerful than or like the villains they fight or fought with and obtain new powers and abilities. The show is very similar to Dragon Ball Z (or Super), DB fan shows like Super Mario Bros. Z and Persona 5 which means that characters such as Goku, Joker or Mario fights with various strong and ultimate villains such as Frieza, Shido Bowser and obtain new abilities, items and powers by being powerful against the enemy.

As of now, Season 1 has been completed and is known as the Ultra Alpha Saga.

Season 2 Overview[]

 Season 2 follows the adventures of Liberty, Amanda, newcomer Kasumi and their friends as they fight with a new powerful villain named Berserker, who is Liberty from the future after failing of beating a battle with Amanda, thus using the Power Cube to make her evil and supremely powerful than any superhuman.


In November 18th, 2019, Jason Murph (Kidtendo) was planning to make a comic series with 10 volumes titled "Heroes R". However, in November 19th, 2019, Kidtendo was watching fan videos of Sonic fighting with various enemies in his games, including a bit of Dragon Ball Z.

In November 20th, 2019, Kidtendo made a Google Slides presentation of Jason and Ultra fighting. Until later, he changed it to a official series of his own title "Heroes R".

Video Game[]

A video game based on the animation is set to be released in April 2020 as a spin-off of the Heroes series. The game is called Heroes R: Superheroes. Its plot is based on all two seasons.


With the episode 1 preview being released on November 21st, 2019 on both YouTube and Instagram, it is met with acclaimed response, with those saying that the animation is so great and very nice.


  •  Heroes R was going to be a comic book series but instead, it became a web series with the same art by UΠMaskΞD from the comics.


A link of the complete season 1 of Heroes R
