TV Fanon Wiki

GameMania is a 2017 tv show and it's ongoing, some elements are similar to Super Sentai, but with Videogame Characters as alter egos


Raymond E. Humbleton (Rayman) finds one of the first GameMania Stones



GameMania (TV Show)/Characters


GameMania Was Well Received


Alter Ego: The Game Changer

The Bully:

  • The Actual Bullies, Rascal, Larry and Hart
  • Subverted with Jake McChasis, he doesn't bully anyone but Ian Anderson

Butt-Monkey: Ian Anderson, Especially when he's in his alter ego

Geek: Ian Anderson

Hidden Badass: Jimmy as Rayman, Ian with either with the Vir-G Reality Helmet or wearing it with his alter ego

Crotch Kick:

  • Ian Tried to do this on Jake, but backfired, the kick hit his leg but not hard enough, so Jake hit him hard on the Crotch, resulting an Instant Supreno

Memetic Mutation:

  • Where's the sauce, WHERES THE SAUCE?!?!?!?
