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Dr. Eggman challenges Olivia and friends to a tennis tournament in order to win a Chaos Emerald.

Episode Summary[]

Olivia is coming back home from a busy day at her new job. She's exhausted and plops right down on the couch. She didn't think that serving people at a bustling tavern would be so exhausting. All of a sudden, she gets a phone call from Sonic. She thinks it's weird that Sonic is calling her. Sonic tells Olivia that he needs her help to help stop Eggman. Olivia wonders what that egg head is up to this time. She hopes it doesn't involve any more flooding of the earth or robotic transformations. Sonic says that they need her to recruit some of her friends. Olivia is on it. About an hour later, Olivia and friends meet up Sonic and his friends. Silver is glad that they're all here. Shadow thinks they could've gotten there faster. Sunshine says they tried their best, but Zach was too busy playing Cold War at the time. Zach apologizes. Sonic says that he hopes they brought their athletic gear. Dani says that they were told to. Hannah still doesn't understand why they have to. Tails says that Eggman is in possession of one of the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic isn't exactly sure how, but they need to win it back because Eggman challenged them to a tennis tournament. Olivia thinks that's kind of suspicious, but they're willing to enter. Eggman approaches the heroes and hopes they're prepared to lose. Chris says that they'll definitely win. Eggman tells him to keep his hopes up.

Olivia wonders what the teams are going to be. Sonic says that all of his friends have already paired up. Sonic is with Tails, Knuckles is with Vector, Shadow is with Silver, and Amy is with Blaze. Olivia pairs up with Sunshine, Dani with Brooke, Jake with Zach, Aubrey with Hannah, Ryan with Troy, Saben with Audrey, and Brennan with Chris. Megan wonders who she's supposed to pair up with. She looks around for a partner, and decides that Olivia's marketing professor will be her partner. The professor is confused on what's going on. The tennis matches begin, and the announcer announces all the teams. Eggman is paired up with Metal Sonic, and hopes Metal Sonic is ready to use... the device. Metal Sonic attaches a computer chip to Eggman's tennis racket, which will enhance his performance. The first epic matchup is Jake and Zach versus Rouge and Omega. After that is Ryan and Troy versus two Egg Pawns. That match is easy money according to Troy. After that is a late entry, Emma and Mikayla versus Zazz and Zavok. Emma thought that this was the line for the Marshmello concert. Zazz and Zavok proceed to pelt Emma and Mikayla with tennis balls. Sonic thinks that isn't even fair. However, Zazz and Zavok advance in the bracket. Mikayla thinks they can at least watch a tennis tourney for free now. Emma just wanted to see Marshmello.

A few hours into the tournament, and the semi-finals are reached. The first match of the semi-finals is Olivia and Sunshine versus Zazz and Zavok. Olivia and Sunshine beat Zazz and Zavok in a landslide. Sunshine thinks that this would be much easier than boxing Zavok like JJ did. The next match is Sonic and Tails versus Eggman and Metal Sonic. Eggman thinks it's time to kick it up a notch. Sonic wonders what he means by that. Eggman and Metal Sonic absolutely annihilate Sonic and Tails. Tails wonders how that was even possible. Eggman and Metal Sonic laugh, as they advance to the finals, where they will face Olivia and Sunshine. Everyone is on the edge of their seats for this final match. Emma thinks this was worth missing the Marshmello concert now. Sunshine notices something shiny on Eggman's tennis racket. She points it out to Olivia. Olivia thinks that's really weird. The match ensues. As the match progresses, Knuckles can't bear to watch Olivia and Sunshine get beat by Eggman. That's when Shadow thinks he notices something. He runs out to the court. Sonic wonders what Shadow is doing. He tells everyone to stop playing because Eggman is cheating. Everyone gasps. Eggman doesn't know what Shadow is talking about. Shadow rips the computer chip off of Eggman's tennis racket and shows the crowd. The crowd gasps again, and vivid murmuring floods the crowd.

Eggman tries to call Shadow out for un-sportsmen-like conduct, but the referee disqualifies Eggman for cheating. He declares that Olivia and Sunshine win by default. Sunshine cheers and says that's her favorite way to win. Sonic takes the Chaos Emerald from Eggman and says that they won this fair and square. Orbot wonders if the boss is okay. Eggman storms out, murmuring under his breath. Cubot is going to take that as a no. Everyone cheers for Olivia and Sunshine. Vector wants to know how Eggman got a hold of the Chaos Emerald in the first place. Tails has no idea, but according to his tablet, it's not the only one that was missing. Amy really hopes the other six aren't missing. Tails says that would be the case. Olivia says that all of them will help them find the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic thinks that's fantastic, and really appreciates the help. Silver is glad they found one. Tails says he's going to work his hardest to track down the remaining six. In the mean time, he tells Olivia and Sunshine to go home and appreciate their tennis trophies. At home, Olivia puts the trophy on her shelf. She wonders who could've possibly have taken the Chaos Emeralds.

Production Information[]

  • CGI is used throughout the episode
  • The end of the episode begins the Chaos Emerald arc, an arc that will take place for the remainder of the season

