Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends aka Welcome to Foster's is an 2017 reboot of the 2004 original series. The aired in the September 2017 on Netflix which is aired upon the rating as the part of TV-14. Plus some voice actors/actress will replaces at new one.
The series is set in a universe in which childhood imaginary friends coexist with humans. In the show's universe, imaginary friends take physical form and become real as soon as children think them up. Once children outgrow them, friends are relocated to the titular orphanage, where they stay until other children adopt them. The home is run by the elderly Madame Foster, its lovable, kind founder; her rabbit imaginary friend Mr. Herriman, the strict rule-abider and business manager; and her granddaughter Frankie, who handles day-to-day operations.
On the reboot series, the new exclusive a new characters, which is same to Imaginary Friends, but they made be a official things and fears, these only new characters are calling the "Dark Imaginary Friends" that within most matures. Which are different than imaginary friends, the dark imaginary friends are around the world and very popular.
Main Characters (Imaginary Friends)[]
- Mac (voiced by Sean Marquette) – A bright and creative eight-year-old boy and Bloo's creator who visits Foster's every day.[1] Mac is often the voice of reason among his friends (especially Bloo) when they are making decisions. However, his extremely good nature tends to make him somewhat naive. He is very attached to Bloo and it is shown in episodes such as "House of Bloos" and "Duchess of Wails" that his biggest fear is never seeing him again, because Bloo is what keeps him happy and cheerful and vice versa. Mac becomes extremely high and hyperactive to the point of a rabid mania when he eats sugar. Once in this state, he will become impossible to control, will often become obsessed with seeking any other source of sugar, and if he gets hyperactive enough, will run around naked or in his underwear. Mac and Bloo also made a cameo appearance in The Powerpuff Girls Series Finale: "The Powerpuff Girls Rule!".
- Bloo (voiced by Keith Ferguson) – Mac's imaginary friend and best friend who resembles a simple, domed cylinder. Bloo is often very immature, self-centered and egotistic as well as having a knack for getting in trouble and prone for doing kid's and children's antics.[1] Despite all this, he still has a good heart and apologizes for his actions. Bloo loves paddle-balls even though he cannot make the ball hit the paddle (though the only time he was able to do it was in the episode "Let Your Hare Down"). His full name is "Blooregard Q. Kazoo". He became increasingly mischievous over the run of the series and can be a show-off. He is the only character to appear in every episode of the series. Note: Bloo was mentioned by Eric Cartman in the South Park trilogy episode "Imagination Land". Mac and Bloo also made a cameo appearance in The Powerpuff Girls Series Finale: "The Powerpuff Girls Rule!".
- Frankie Foster (voiced by Grey DeLisle) – Madame Foster's redheaded granddaughter, addressed as "Miss Frances" by Mr. Herriman. Her parents are never seen in the series. Frankie is the caregiver at Foster's and helps keep everything in order.[1] In spite of Mr. Herriman's fussiness and fixation with rules and cleanliness, having to take care of everyone and everything in the house, and Bloo's mischief-making (all of which cause her tremendous stress and a bad temper), she is usually very friendly, outgoing and laid-back. According to her driver's license in "Bus the Two of Us", she was born on July 25, 1984. Frankie is friends with most of the imaginary friends at Foster's (particularly Wilt, Eduardo, Coco, and Bloo) and can be described as a protective big sister to them. Frankie once made a cameo appearance in The Powerpuff Girls series finale: "The Powerpuff Girls Rule!".
- Mr. Herriman (voiced by Tom Kane) – A gray and white elderly anthropomorphic lop ear rabbit friend imagined by Madame Foster who speaks with a British accent. He wears a tailcoat, white gloves and a top hat, as well as a monocle over his left eye (though it is sometimes seen over his right eye). He is in charge of the house (the "President" of Foster's) and is extremely strict about the house rules (or just politeness and order in general),[1] but he is also seen to put the rules before common sense, as seen in "Destination: Imagination" when he sticks to the rule written on the chained up toy box of never letting the imaginary friend who is trapped in there out despite what would happen to him if he didn't. He is often found punishing Bloo for his various misdemeanors. It was revealed in "Busted" that the reason Mr. Herriman is so hard on Bloo is because he feels that, given that he is allowed to stay at Foster's even though he still has an owner, he has already broken one of the main house rules. He is extremely fond of his creator Madame Foster, harboring great respect and loyalty to her, even at her most prominent levels of unabashed pep and energy. Mr. Herriman may be considered unruly Madame Foster's superego. On the other hand, Herriman has a love/hate relationship with Frankie, usually working with her to preserve order at Foster's, yet just as often scolding her for what he perceives (often inaccurately) as "laziness" and "immaturity" from her part (usually stemming from the fact that the amount of work she has to do is too much for her to get all of it done in certain time frames). However, at the end of the 90-minute special "Destination: Imagination", Herriman admits that he was wrong and finally comes to respect and appreciate Frankie. He also has fear of dogs (due to the fact that dogs are natural predators of rabbits) and is easily scared out of his wits whenever he comes across a dog as shown in the episodes "Who Let the Dogs In?", and "Setting a President". He also has a rabbit's stereotypical obsession with carrots and will do anything to have them, as demonstrated in "Crime After Crime".
- Maya (voiced by Janaette Mcdilo) – Mac's long-lost Sister.]
- Terrence (voiced by Tara Strong) - Mac's older brother and the recurring villain of the series. He enjoys bullying Mac and coming up with various schemes to make Mac's life hard and miserable. In the First Episode, He Wants to Kill Maya with His weapons.
The Extremeasaurs are a breed of imaginary friends created by jerky teenage boys. These powerful creatures make their appearances in "House of Bloo's," and "Eddie Monster." One of them served as the tertiary antagonist of the pilot episode.