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Olivia and friends rescue Dani from King Ogtoor's clutches.

Episode Summary[]

After a brief recap of the last episode, we see the heroes still rushing to build a spaceship. Brooke is still freaking out over what those aliens could be doing to Dani. She wonders how progress is going on the spaceship. Smarts says it's almost done. Brooke hopes it's done in time. Back in space, Ogtoor has recently discovered that all of Dani's friends are coming to rescue her. Dani thinks this is great news. However, for Ogtoor, this is not good news. He demands his aliens prepare the defense systems. They get right on it. Dani eyes the life meter, which is now halfway gone. Dani hopes her friends can make it in time. Back on earth, the construction of the spaceship has finally finished. Olivia tells Brooke that the ship is ready. Brooke is ecstatic and tells everyone to hop on. Smarts gets the ship ready for launch. Olivia isn't sure what kinds of things they should expect when they reach space, but tells everyone to prepare for anything. After the launch sequence, the gang shoots up to space. Everyone cheers that they made it. Issi thinks this will be nothing but smooth sailing now. Savannah thinks she sees the space station that Dani is in. Smarts says that's correct. However, their trouble is just beginning.

The defense systems fire up, and they begin attacking the ship. Smarts thinks it was a good thing he installed a defense system of his own. However, his defense system is weak compared to the aliens'. The ship is shot down. The gang crash lands. Kaitlynn thinks everything is hopeless now because now she doesn't even know where they are. Austin tells her to chill because they crash landed on the ship. Kaitlynn claims she knew that. The gang rushes inside to go save Dani. One of the aliens alerts Ogtoor that the enemy is inside the ship. Ogtoor knows how to deal with intruders. He sends some of his guards to go fight off the intruders. Olivia notices that they have company. Jarrett is ready to fight off some aliens. After the showdown with the aliens, the gang makes it into Ogtoor's throne room, where Dani is trapped. Ogtoor can't believe the heroes made it past his guards. Garrett demands that Dani is to be let go this instant. Ogtoor refuses. Zach and Saben attempt to break the glass bubble, but it doesn't work. Saben doesn't understand why it's not working. Ogtoor says it's an alien secret. He now believes these intruders must be dealt with properly.

Everyone is now trapped inside their own glass bubbles. Ellie wants to be let out this instant. Ogtoor refuses and says they shouldn't have invaded his station in the first place. Brooke watches in pain as Dani's life meter drains to almost an eighth of a sliver left. Dani looks terrible inside the bubble. JJ wonders what that machine does in the first place. Ogtoor explains his plan to the trapped heroes. Smarts says he's not gonna get away with this. Ogtoor says to watch him do it, as the last little sliver of Dani's life meter disappears. Brooke gasps. Ogtoor cackles loudly and says it's time to invade planet earth. He tells his minions to chart course to earth. Olivia thinks this is terrible and that they need to find a way out of these glass bubbles immediately. Ogtoor leaves his throne room to go prepare his "Taking Over Earth" speech. Olivia finds this as the perfect opportunity to escape. Jake wonders how exactly they're going to escape. Zach doesn't know, but he's getting bored inside this bubble. He rocks it back and forth, and then bumps into Mikayla's bubble, breaking both bubbles. Mikayla thinks they just figured out the way to escape. Everyone follows suit, and sure enough, they're freed. However, they've returned to earth a lot sooner than they anticipated. They see a whole army of alien ships surrounding the one space station.

Ogtoor steps foot outside and gives his speech. After his somewhat mediocre speech, the crowd just laughs at him because they're not buying it. Ogtoor knows this means it's time to take things to extreme measures. His alien armada marches outside and begins attacking the town. Josh wonders what is even happening. Rachael wonders if there's anyone to save them. Maddy really hopes so. Back inside the ship, everyone gathers around Dani's lifeless body. Brooke and Nikki can't believe this. They always thought her sister was so brave. Olivia will never forget the time she gave her words of encouragement after that really awful day at work. Isabel remembers when Dani single-handedly saved an entire holiday. Jake remembers the car wash she helped organize. Brooke thought Dani was always a great hero. She helped her save her boyfriend from Eggman, stopped Marty the Mole, and helped her solve a mystery. Everyone's words of positivity seem to have a strange effect on Dani. The words of positivity bring her back to life. Everyone cheers that Dani is alive again. Dani wonders what happened. Garrett says he'll explain later, because right now they have to fight off an army of aliens. Dani gets her game face on and tells everyone she's ready to kick some alien butt. Everyone cheers again.

Ogtoor is laughing at all the chaos occurring outside. All of a sudden, he hears Olivia and crew charging for him and his alien army. Ogtoor commands his aliens to attack. This starts the begin of an epic showdown. Amongst all the fighting, Dani approaches Ogtoor and begins having a one-on-one showdown with him. In between punches, Dani tells him that this is what he gets for basically killing her. After finally defeating Ogtoor and his army, everyone cheers for Olivia and her crew. Dani thanks everyone again for saving her life. Olivia is more than happy to have helped. Brooke tells Dani that they're gonna go back home and order pizza to celebrate. Dani likes the idea. Nikki asks if she can come too. Dani says she's more than welcome too. The sisters head for Dani and Brooke's apartment.

Production Information[]

  • CGI is used throughout the episode
  • The third two-part special of the series
  • Twenty-first time a different opening is used in place of the opening theme song


  • "Giga Bowser Awakens!" from Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is heard during the Part 1 recap
  • "Showdown With Fury Bowser (Normal Ver.)" from Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is heard during the beginning scenes
  • "LarryBoy to the Rescue" from Larry-Boy: The Soundtrack is heard when the gang goes to space
  • "Mid Boss Mayhem" from Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is heard during the fight with the alien guards
  • One of the moves Jarrett performs on some of the guards is similar to Terry Bogard's Power Dive from the Fatal Fury series
  • "Bowser's Fury Theme" from Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is heard when the aliens attack
  • "Sayonara" from Paper Mario: Color Splash is heard when the gang recalls their memories with Dani
  • During the look back at Dani's memories, events from "What We Call A Pilot Episode...", "Dani Claus", "At the Car Wash", "Olivia Heroes", "Encountered by Dani", and "The Sleuthing Sisters" are mentioned
  • "You Will Recall Our Names" from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is heard during the final showdown