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Laura, Emma, and Jasmine claim to be the best group of friends in biology, but they completely leave behind Katie. Katie goes to Kaitlin for help.

Episode Summary[]

It's another day in biology class. Laura, Emma, and Jasmine all want to work together on a class project. All they have to do is assemble a human body. Katie wants to be in their group, but all the three girls can do is laugh at Emma as she tapes paper body parts onto her face. Katie shakes her head in disbelief.

The next day, Katie tries to work with them again, but the girls can do nothing but gossip. Laura talks about how weird things always are happening at the school. Jasmine agrees. Emma can't believe all those things have happened, like the volleyball grudge match, everyone acting out of character, and Kaitlin running the school. Katie can't believe it. She thought those three were better than that.

Katie leaves school that day crying. Her boyfriend, Braden, tries everything he can to cheer her up, but nothing seems to work. Kaitlin notices Katie crying and asks her what's wrong. Katie says it's Laura, Emma, and Jasmine. They're completely dissing her. Kaitlin is in shock, because that doesn't seem like them at all. She says should go talk to them the next time she sees them and tell her what's going on.

Katie finds the girls before they head to cross country practice. She explains to them what's going on in biology, and she would really appreciate it if they let her work with them. Laura doesn't know what she's talking about. Jasmine says they totally would've let her if she had just spoken up. Emma says they didn't even realize she was there. Katie feels stupid.

Production Information[]

  • There is no CGI used in this episode
  • So far, this is the shortest episode, with a run time of 10 minutes and 10 seconds

