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Battle for Food: Trouble in the Jungle is an 2021 American animated direct-to-video adventure film produced by comedy-adventure film produced by Blue Sky Studios and distributed by 20th Century Fox. Based on Xnabber's Object Show, Battle for Food featuring the main protagonist and guest star originated from the Nickelodeon's The Adventure of Harris and Leafie, Pouncer Little Striperton. It focus on the characters from Battle For Food helping Pouncer Little Striperton go to the jungle to find his home after he makes some new friends. The film was officially released in the US on February 28, 2021 to be digitally premiered on HBO Max.

It was the considered as the official final film produced by Blue Sky Studios before following the shutdown of the studio to be enacted in April 2021. Chellozone accepts the remake of the movie from May 2021.


Pouncer Little Striperton misses his home from the Jungle and the Battle for Food Contestants will have the way to get him back home before Creeper came to eat him.


A cat flea white tiger cub named Pouncer Little Striperton was arrive safely in Battle For Food after the animal hunters wanted to chase him. Because of that, he was being safe in the tree and climbs down, but realize that he misses his home and the jungle. During this time, they helped him under his wing and shows him the jungle, the ways of animal life and dangers to look out for. Crown comforting Pouncer as the Contestants set out to visit him and make sure he is safe; Coffee Been requires Wand to babysit the white tiger cub in return for guidance. On the journey to visit the animals in the jungle, however, Pouncer Little Striperton is very starving so he gets some wild berries from each of the bushes which make him look colorful. Suddenly happen, an evil caracal named Creeper was seen watching after him before he sneaks off. Baseball Bat then gets his foot tangled in some brambles which Coffee Bean frees him from (under the promise that Wand will babysit Pouncer's siblings for an additional two weeks). Some bark from the trees comes and lands on Wand's head, this makes him look like a wild wizard. A near hit by a truck then reveals that the two other guys have now seen them, it makes it hard for Baseball Bat to visit the jungle animals.

Meanwhile, Blue Pillow and Pillow helps Pouncer Little Striperton to find his way home before Creeper came, tries to attack them and Pillow throws him off, safely. They then trading the cat flea white tiger cub to Make-Up and starts all the way to his home, the Tiger Den. After arriving in the Den, Pouncer felt happy when he was back home, plays with his siblings and Make-Up heads back. While sleeping before midnight, Creeper sneakily comes to the tiger den and tries to hunt the white tiger siblings and Baseball Bat is framed for the attack after trying to stop him. The sneaky caracal comes back, tries to steals the baby white tigers (even Pouncer) from their parents and plans to devour him. Make-Up and the others were now must save the tiger babies and does so by trapping Creeper in a net trap. Butter, Pickle Jar and Flaggy spin the word "caracal" in a net before heading back to Battle for Food land just in time to save Wand. Creeper, while not shown is most likely disposed of while Pouncer Little walks back to the object show, forgot to make his new friends. When the cub arrives, asking Crown about making some new friends he had forgot, he must staying here with the contestants during the end of the film.


Cree Summer as Pouncer Little Striperton - a cat flea tiger cub, the film's main Protagonist.

Patrick Warburton as Creeper the caracal, the film's main antagonist.

Xnabber as Crown, Touchscreen, Springer, Tie, Coffee Bean and Dr. Pepper.

100dcx as Happy Block, Blender, Hourglass and Bacon.

Wuggolo as Cigarette

Mitchell Martin as Pom-Pom

MegaAmazing as Parasol

Deedo886 as Pickle Jar and Chef Hat

Lstaranimationz as Baseball Bat, Wand and Mr. T.

BFDI BOYERS as Butter and Flaggy

DeannedEd as Whiteboard, Pillow and Blue Pillow

Brandon Cool as Make-Up and Wild Card


  • "It's Not So Hard to Be a Tiger"
  • "Watch Out, Pouncer Little!"
  • "It's Good to Have Back"
  • "Pouncer's Siblings"



You Idiot!:

You Sound Familiar: Cigarette's voice is much like Umbrella from Object Lockdown.

New Design: All Battle for Food characters's designs are used from Challenge to Win.

Now Female: Wild Card, Blender and Flaggy are now to gain female voice tones.

Running Gag:


Ban by directive[]

When the movie was released, it was banned by an EU directive because of objects.

Variant Logos[]

20th Century Fox

Blue Sky Studios

Xnabber Entertainment
