Baphomet is a film in Crossover Town.
A wisecracking demon goat plush toy tries to fit into society.
Funny: The apartment scene. ‘Nuff said.
Baphomet drinking Holy Water.
Roller vomiting.
Baphomet burning a cross.
Pico makes a cameo playing ping pong.
(A red mist enters a cartoony Baphomet plush toy)
(It gets up)
Baphomet: Woah! I’m alive!
(Baphomet hops off the shelf and walks out of Toy Safari)
(As Baphomet walks along the sidewalk, the pedestrians look dumbfounded)
Teen 1: Is that a toy?
Teen 2: Yep.
(A news report)
Newsman: Breaking News: A Goat toy has been caught moving around! Specialists are unsure what the cause of this strange phenomenon is.
(Baphomet walks into an apartment)
Baphomet: (Like Seinfield) Hellllllooooooo!
(No one’s home, and it’s empty)
Baphomet: Oh well, Guess this is my home now.
(Baphomet sets up)
(Baphomet is having a party with some atheists)
Baphomet: Hell yeah! Now it's a party!
(Baphomet fights a strong dude and wins)
Baphomet: Fuck yeah...
(Baphomet and a teen break crosses)