TV Fanon Wiki
Time Show Episode Image
12:00am Gravity Falls Weirdmageddon Part I
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12:30am Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From Reality
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1:00am Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back the Falls
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2:00am Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! Brother In Arms
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2:30am Monster Battle Club Now!
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3:00am Gravity Falls Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back the Falls
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4:00am Right Now Kapow! Sketchy Genie / Cat Man Has Nine Lives
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4:30am Family Guy Stewie Is Enceinte
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5:00am Bordertown High School Football
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Groundhog Day
6:00am Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends Good Guy Gobby / Spider Monkey
6:30am Going Green / Coming Clean
7:00am Marvel's Avengers: Black Panther's Quest The Panther and the Wolf
7:30am The Zemo Sanction
8:00am The Ghost and Molly McGee The New (Para)Normal
8:30am Kiff Farley / Two for One Hot Dogs
9:00am Halfway There Day / Be Still My Harp
9:30am Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS Turbo Rush Duel!
10:00am Beyblade Burst QuadDrive Reckless Panic! Bag of Tricks!
10:30am Hamster & Gretel Friday Night Fright / The Earworm
11:00am Gravity Falls Irrational Treasure
11:30am Double Dipper
12:00pm The Ghost and Molly McGee The Jig is Up / Molly vs. the Ghost World
12:30pm The New (Para)Normal
1:00pm Phineas and Ferb Out to Launch
1:30pm Got Game? / Comet Kermilian
2:00pm Out of Toon / Hail Doofania!
2:30pm Hamster & Gretel A Mammoth Problem / The Bantam of the Elementary School Light Opera
3:00pm Hamnesia / Romancing the Scone
3:30pm For Whom the Belle Trolls / An Arthouse Divided
4:00pm The Litigator vs. The Luchador / Strawberry Fest Forever
4:30pm Kiff Big Barry on Campus / Club Book
5:00pm Kiff's Mix / Kiff's on a Plane
5:30pm Farley / Two for One Hot Dogs
6:00pm Arctic Dogs (2019)
8:00pm Mickey Mouse Clubhouse


Pluto's Ball
Playhouse XYZ
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2024-02-19 (22)
8:30pm Family Guy Meg Goes To College (Mailtime!)
Playhouse XYZ
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2024-02-19 2030pm Family Guy
9:00pm The Simpsons (The Simpsons Babies) Lisa the Vegetarian
Playhouse XYZ
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2023-04-01 2100pm The Simpsons
9:30pm Futurama (Futurama Babies) Yo Leela Leela
Playhouse XYZ
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2024-02-19 (31)
10:00pm The Bots and the Bees
Playhouse XYZ
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2024-04-01 2200pm Futurama
10:30pm King Of The Hill (Kid Of The Hill) Bobby Goes Nuts (Playhouse Purse)
Playhouse XYZ
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2023-04-01 2230pm King Of The Hill
11:00pm PB&J Otter


Bye Bye, Pb&J / Babbleberry Day
Playhouse XYZ
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2024-02-19 (7)
11:30pm Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! (Super Baby Monkey Team Naptime Force Go!) Thingy (Play With Your Blobs)
Playhouse XYZ
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Notes And Highlights
  • This year's April Fool's prank on XYZ is Playhouse XYZ: nod to the former name of Disney Junior, and prank consisting of preschool-aimed remakes of episodes of Family Guy, The Simpsons, Futurama, King Of The Hill, Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! and Gravity Falls. Additionally, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and PB&J Otter air on XYZ as part of Playhouse XYZ.
    • This prank lasts until 12:30am, resulting in Jetix being cut short by a half-hour and running from 12:30am to 3:00am.
    • This currently marks the only time Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and PB&J Otter have aired on XYZ, and Disney XD as a whole.
    • This also marks the very last time PB&J Otter has aired on American television.