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Animals and the Were-Pups is the first segment episode of PAW Patrol and The Animal Patrol Team.


When the PAW Patrol pups gone missing at Uncle Otis' Cabin, The Animal Patrol Team will solve a mystery of the Werepuppies.



  • Ryder
  • Marshall
  • Rubble
  • Chase
  • Rocky
  • Zuma
  • Skye
  • Everest
  • Tracker
  • Robo-Dog
  • Lollipop
  • Ruffles O'Reilly
  • Audryck
  • Danjhely
  • Kendryck
  • Eva
  • Carlito
  • Carie Mcgill
  • Cap'n Turbot
  • Francois Turbot
  • Otis Goodway
  • Chompy
  • Bayberry
  • Ms. Marjorie
  • Maynard
  • Flurry
  • Joey
  • Fuzzy
  • Bear

Pups/Animals in Action[]

Eva: Use Skye's Helicopter to search for the eight Pups.

Kendryck: Use the drone on Chase's Spy Cruiser to search for the lost pups.


(PAW Patrol and The Animal Patrol Team theme song)

(Animals and the Were-Pups title card)

(The episode begins at Otis Goodway's Cabin at night time, Ryder and the PAW Patrol sitting around the campfire enjoying the marshmallows on their sticks along with Lollipop the wild beetle squirrel, Ruffles O'Reilly the bullet ant chow chow and The Animal Patrol Team.)

Ryder: Thanks for inviting us over to your cabin once again, Uncle Otis.

Lollipop: I agree with Ryder.

Otis Goodway: No problem, young Ryder.

Rubble: I just love those roasting marshmallows.

Eva: How do you eat those things? They're so soft and squishy.

Kendryck: I know Eva, they're delicious!

Rocky: This is fun.

Marshall: Mine gets burnt all the time. (His marshmallow get burnt to a crisp) See what I mean?

Chompy: Ooh. If you think that's fun, doesn't anybody heard of the legend of the eight howling werepuppies!?!

Tracker: Wa wa... Werepuppies!?! Oy oy oy!

Danjhely: What do you mean, Werepuppies?

Everest: Don't worry, Tracker. They don't exist, it's just a myth.

Carlie Mcgill: After eating, what else?

Audryck: I tell you guys a story, hear it Chompy.

Chompy: Everybody thinks a werepuppy is a myth, but I'm telling ya it ain't no myth, I'll tell you this. Ahem-ahem. (Tells a story) "Every night here at Otis' cabin, eight howling werepuppies descends on the full moon in the water reflection just like this one. Only much bigger and lighter than ever. The eight howling werepuppies were scary and totally strong if they could lift every boulder and rock like this one. Then start howling at the full moon all the way above the high mountain we are now. (Howls) The legend has it that the werepuppies can change back by a sniff and the scent of sunflowers here at the place called Sunflower Valley. You'll never know when they started to grow tons of sunflowers".

Skye: Eight werepuppies!?!

Zuma: Impossible, Dude.

Chase: Chompy, you know we just saw Rocky's dream of becoming a werepuppy once.

Marshall: The last time we saw Rocky turning into a werepuppy he saw a reflection in the water which had a full moon in it. We just don't want it to happen again.

Rocky: That's true isn't it?

Rubble: Being a werepuppy isn't as easy. It's fun.

Everest: Aw who's cares? We got marshmallows on our faces.

Tracker: We need to wash em off of our faces, let's head to the water.

Marshall: Let's go!

(The pups went near the lake to wash off the marshmallows off their furry faces).

Audryck: Wait. Does Chompy beaver fellow say if the water has a reflection of a full moon?

Kendryck: I don't know, Audryck?

Eva: Like that.

(However, the eight PAW Patrol pups standing in the water seeing the reflection of the full moon.)

Ryder: Pups, don't look at the reflection for too long.

Otis Goodway: I'm sure they'll be fine once they don't see the moon for real.

Eva: I'd hope so.

(The PAW Patrol's pup badge spins around and zooms in, Ryder is getting ready for bed during their campout except for the eight PAW Patrol pups went to a lake seeing a reflection of a full moon.)

Ryder: Good night, crew.

Kendryck: Good night, nice boy with the nice pups.

Eva: Good night, Ryder! Good night indeed, Lollipop.

(Suddenly, she finds the PAW Patrol pups got out of the lake, dry themselves off by shaking their furs and get the water off of them.)

Rocky: Why do we suddenly feel so strange?

Rubble: What's making our shadows move? (They turned around and looked at the full moon).

Marshall: Wow! That's the biggest and brightest moon ever.

Everest: Must be full moon. I've never seen one of those before...

(The moment of silences as they stared at the full moon too long, warning Eva after she gets up.)

Eva: Oh my god, I told you not to stare longer.

(The dimensional scream went through their ears instead of their foreheads.)

Eva: (Her ears flopped down when frighten).

Marshall, Rubble, Chase, Rocky, Zuma, Skye, Everest and Tracker: (Hearts pounding) .......

Carlie Mcgill: (Stopped and looked at the eight PAW Patrol pups) What the?

Audryck: (Woke up) Huh, what's going on here?

Marshall, Rubble, Chase, Rocky, Zuma, Skye, Everest and Tracker: (Hearts pounding continues, undergoes the lycanthropic transformation into werepuppies. They grow extra fur, werepuppy teeth, big, furry tails and pointy ears which they growl.)


Eva: (Hears howling) Oh, dear! Have you just hear that sound?

Chompy: (From inside Otis Goodway's cabin) What is that noise? (goes outside.)

Werepup Chase: Can somebody please tell me what has happening to us just now?

Werepup Rocky: Chase? Skye? Rubble? Zuma? Everest? Tracker? Marshall? You're a... wa wa wa wa... Werepuppies!!!

Werepup Rubble: (Gasps) So to you, Rocky!

Werepup Rocky: I am? OH NO...! (Howls)

Werepup Skye: But I don't want to be a werepuppy!

Werepup Everest: Me nether. It's too scary!

Werepup Zuma: Nobody panic. Maybe this isn't so bad. We should run away that way we won't scare everyone.

Werepup Tracker: Ai-yi-yi!

Werepup Marshall: Let's run as fast as we can! (They all ran throughout the wilderness).

Werepup Rocky: Hey, this is really fun! Being werepuppies is so much fun!

Werepup Zuma: So cool (howls)!

(Back in the cabin, Ryder woke up since Audryck calling the pups to come back outside.)

Audryck: Oh no, come back here pups. This is no use guys, I think they're going somewhere.

Bayberry: So do you think of it, Audryck?

Ryder: Is there a problem?

Carltio: You heard it too, Ryder?

Ryder: I sure did, something's not right here.

Eva: Ryder! (Runs toward him) The PAW Patrol pups are gone! Whenever should I say... They've been turned into werepuppies!

Ryder: What!?!

Kendryck: They got turned into werewolf dogs?! Awesome meow!

Danjhely: No time to explain, we gotta find them! Come on!

Ryder: Allright. No job is too big, no Pup is too small! (Runs toward the PAW Patroller) Animal Patrol, to the PAW Patroller!

Kendryck: Meow-riftic! Nice calling us, Ryder Sir.

(He and the others followed Ryder all the way to the PAW Patroller and got inside until gaining in PAW Patrol uniforms.)

Kendryck: Hey. I'm dressing as Spy Chase, but he's not even here.

Chompy: (Follows The Animal Patrol Team) I'm coming too!

(The PAW Patroller closes, The Animal Patrol Team and Chompy went to where the bay screen is and Ryder sitting on the front seat next to Robo-Dog.)

Audryck: Animal Patrol, ready for action Ryder sir! Oh and you too, Lollipop!

Lollipop: Good to know.

Ryder: Thanks for coming so quickly..... animals, you too.... Chompy?

(The scene cuts to Chompy sits next to Audryck.)

Ruffles O'Reilly: So what's our first mission?

Ryder: My pups are definitely missing so we need to find them until midnight.

Eva: But how? You don't even have a team of pups with you this time.

Audryck: Hey look!

(He watches Bayberry, Maynard, Flurry, Joey and Fuzzy follows them, sitting besides each of The Animal Patrol members.)

Audryck: I see the other Wildlife Patrol members as well.

Chompy: Hey, I remember them? I knew they're the Wildlife Patrol and that's my team.

Carlie Mcgill: I know since you're a team leader.

Lollipop: For this mission I'm going to need Chompy and The Wildlife Patrol paws on deck.

Ryder: That's good!

Lollipop: Anyways.... The first animal is? Eva, I need you in Skye's helicopter to search for the pups.

Eva: This spaniel pup's gotta fly!

Lollipop: And Kendryck, I need you in Chase's spy cruiser to look for some clues and find the missing pups.

Kendryck: Super Spy Kendryck is on the case!

Ryder: Alright, PAW Patrol is on the roll! (Runs towards the ATV along with Lollipop and Ruffles O'Reilly).

Ryder: (Gets on the ATV and puts on his helmet while Lollipop and Ruffles O'Reilly gets on the back and ride outside).

Eva: (Runs toward Skye's pup house, jumps on it and lands on it, transforms into a helicopter).

Chorus: Eva!! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!! (Flurry hops on with her so Eva took off into the sky).

Kendryck: (Runs toward Chase's pup house jumps on it and lands on it, transforms into the spy police cruiser).

Chorus: Kendryck!! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!! (Maynard hops on with him, Kendryck drives off and follows Ryder and Eva) PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol!

(It fades back to the eight Werepups hiding behind some trees in the wilderness.)

Werepup Everest: Do you think we'd be able to find the Sunflower Valley to make ourselves into cute puppies again?

Werepup Tracker: This is weird. Turning ourselves into werepuppies is not Pawsome.

Werepup Rocky: In my dream, I used to come by here without anyone noticing that I am a werepuppy. Not in front of people or animals.

Werepup Skye: We have to find Sunflower Valley and change back that way we won't expose ourselves as Were-Pups.

Werepup Marshall: But we're not scary. We just grew more fur.

Werepup Zuma: But we'll never get help looking like this.

Werepup Chase: Don't give up, pups. Pretty soon we'll find the way out of this situation.

Werepup Everest: Let's find Sunflower Valley.

Werepup Tracker: And we need to do this on our own.

Werepup Skye: Let's go.

(The pup badge spins around and zooms in, later cuts to Ryder, Eva, Flurry, Kendryck and Maynard searching for the werepuppies.)

Lollipop: Ok, where are the tracks?

Ryder: According to the map, we should be able to find a clue around werepup tracks.

Kendryck: Are those?

Eva: I realize they're werepup footprints.

Kendryck: Oh dear, these werepups are going ahead.

Eva: Hold on! We're going to find the PAW Patrol and... you want us to split up?

Kendryck: Yes!

Lollipop: I need a good idea, Ruffles.

Ruffles O'Reilly: Eva, you'll be the eyes in the sky with Flurry. Maynard, you stay with me and Lollipop since Kendryck would ride alongside Ryder in the ATV.

Kendryck: We're on it, Ruffles.

Maynard: Okay.

Eva: (Says her catchphrase) "I'll be your eyes and ears!" (Gets on Skye's helicopter and took off with Flurry).

(Cuts to Kendryck driving in the spy cruiser before he parks it and jumps off.)

Kendryck: I don't see them, meaning I better to use the drone. And speaking of which (Meows) Drone!

(He gets the control console up on the cruiser, launches the drone.)

Kendryck: Okay, let me see they went.

(He watches the drone's viewfinder looking for the eight pups.)

Werepup Rocky: The sign says "we should go to the right which is the path that leads too Sunflower Valley". But do not go to the left which is really the mountains.

Werepup Chase: Sunflower Valley here we come!

All Eight Werepups: (Howl for excitement, headed toward the right path toward Sunflower Valley).

(The drone spotted them, its viewfinder shows they're almost heading.)

Kendryck: I finally look at them!

Werepup Rocky: I was only trying to help.

Werepup Marshall: Now we'll never get help from anybody.

Werepup Everest: Even find the Sunflower Valley.

Werepup Tracker: Oyoyoy. I'm even scared of the dark as a werepup.

Werepup Chase: We can't give up now, pups. We're not going to give up this rescue mission or this adventure or our lifetime. We have each other and no one is going to run away from us even if we are werepups.

Werepup Rocky: You were right, Chase. We can't give up. We'll just have to do the same dream I just had. Green means go (Howls)!!

Ryder: Look. More footprints.

Eva: They got to be around here somewhere?

Kendryck: I think somebody up close, right Maynard.

Maynard: Some werepup who have a lot of fur, pointy ears and fluffy tail. It's the lost doggies!

Eva: (Surprised) Does that mean...?

Ruffles O'Reilly: I'm not sure how I say this. but... the pups were actually werepuppies.

Flurry: Uh oh!

Kendryck: Oh no!

Maynard: Exactly! That's what I been trying to tell you.

Ryder: You haven't heard a thing. We'll be going now. (He, Lollipop, Ruffles O'Reilly, Eva, Maynard, Flurry and Kendryck continued following the footprints as the eight werepups head to.)

All Eight Werepuppies: (Howls happily).

Otis Goodway: (Looked at the werepuppies far away while on a tree) What's that? (Gasps) The werepuppies. The legend is true! I've got to see up close.

(Cut to the eight werepuppies finally made it to Sunflower Valley.)

Werepup Everest: All right we made it!

Werepup Tracker: Sunflower Valley dead ahead!

Werepup Marshall: We got to sniff the sunflowers.

Werepup Rubble: Pretty soon we'll be right as the pups we use to be.

Werepup Chase: We'll be back to normal in no time.

Werepup Rocky: Oops. I've forgot to tell you guys.

Werepup Tracker: What is it, Rocky?

Werepup Rocky: There's a bear living in that cave guarding the sunflowers.

Werepup Tracker: Ai-yi-yi!

Werepup Zuma: He's right. What should we do now?

Werepup Skye: We can't wake up the bear. We need to be sneaky and quiet. (Accidentally breaks the twig with a snap) Whoops.

Bear: (Comes out of the cave with growls).

Werepup Rocky: That's the same bear I scared the other night.

Werepup Tracker: Uh... bear?

Bear: (Growls walks toward the eight werepuppies).

All Eight Werepuppies: (Howls real loud).

Bear: (Whimpers and got scared by the eight werepuppies howl, got back inside the cave).

Werepup Everest: Boy that felt good to howl.

Werepup Marshall: Hey. Somebody's coming this way.

Werepup Skye: Who is it? (The PAW Patroller came by, stopped in front of the eight werepuppies and out came Kendryck and Chompy the beaver.)

Chompy: Kids, I've found the PAW Patrol. Wow!

Kendryck: Otis Goodway is right, somehow they've been turned into eight werepuppies from the full moon!

(Ryder, Eva, Maynard and Flurry came out of the PAW Patroller too, looks at the eight puppies.)

Kendryck: Look!

Ryder: Pups!

All Eight Werepuppies: Ryder!! (Runs toward Ryder by giving him a hug).

Werepup Rocky: But... how did you find us?

Ryder: We heard your howl so we came looking for you.

Otis Goodway: (Arrived as well) Heh heh. I knew they were eight werepuppies when I saw them. Not just one but eight of them. How legendary was that?

Audryck: (Confused) Huh? Scrappy?

Carlie Mcgill: Who's Scrappy?

Otis Goodway: Don't you worry there, young pups. One sniff of that Sunflower from the Valley your in and you'll be as right as rain.

Werepup Rubble: Or right as Rocky.

All Eight Werepuppies: (Runs toward the Sunflowers from the valley and sniff them as they all changed back into normal pups) Ahh!

Marshall, Rubble, Chase, Rocky, Zuma, Skye, Everest and Tracker: Yaaay!!!!!

Rocky: Doesn't matter. If we're ever in trouble, just howl for help!

Otis Goodway, Marshall, Rubble, Chase, Rocky, Zuma, Skye, Everest and Tracker: (Howled for joy).

The Animal Patrol Team: (All laughed).

