TV Fanon Wiki

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2 May 2023

  • curprev 18:3718:37, 2 May 202391.231.24.186 contribs 744 bytes +22 Adding categories
  • curprev 18:3618:36, 2 May 202391.231.24.186 contribs 722 bytes +722 Created page with "== Transcript: == Mr. Wheeler: When i get home from getting the milk, I don't want to see any pee pee on the floor, Then you will be grounded (Mr. Wheeler drives away) Andy: OH MY GOD I NEED TO GO PEE (futh taking a poopy) Andy: FUTH OPEN THIS F>>>ING DOOR!!!!!!! futh: LEAVE ME ALON I NEED TO POOPY POOPY Andy: WHAT SHOULD I DO (3x) (Andy sees Crappy on her pee pee bowl) Andy: CRAPPY YOU ARE NOT BABY GET OFF THE PEE PEE BOWL NOW Crappy: nya (Andy pushes Crappy o..." Tag: Visual edit