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Dr. Eggman creates a potion that makes the heroes sleepy.

Episode Summary[]

Dr. Eggman is busy in his lair, whipping up his latest concoction. Orbot wonders what the Doctor is making. Eggman introduces Orbot and Cubot to the Sleepy Potion. Cubot wonders what it does. Eggman says it's literally right in the name. He says it will make their adversaries sleepy, rendering them useless in the fight against evil. Orbot thinks it's a genius idea. Eggman thinks they're lucky too, because it's the day that Olivia is hosting a get together for all her friends. Orbot thinks it's great and all, but wonders how they're possibly supposed to get that potion in everyone's system. Eggman says that's when him and Cubot come in. Cubot isn't ready to handle a task like this. Eggman says all they have to do is sneak the potion into the punch bowl. Orbot wonders what Cubot's deal is today. Cubot mentions he hasn't appeared since the tennis episode so he's a bit on edge. Eggman tells Orbot and Cubot to just get to the party. Orbot and Cubot head over to the party to sneak the potion in the punch. At Olivia's, Audrey is thanking Olivia for hosting this get together. Olivia says it's no problem, she's happy to see everyone together and having a good time. There's a knock on the door, and Olivia goes to get it. Orbot sees this as their opportunity.

Cubot pours the Sleepy Potion inside the punch. However, Cubot slips in. Orbot thinks Cubot is truly an idiot. Josh notices Cubot in the punch bowl and just thinks he's an oddly shaped ice sculpture in the punch bowl. He shrugs and pours himself some punch. Orbot quickly pulls Cubot out of the punch bowl and the two escape. Olivia is greeting JJ and Issi at the door. She walks them over to the festivities. She tells them to help themselves to some punch, she made it herself. JJ and Issi take a sip. Issi thinks it's really good, but then she passes out. JJ thinks that was weird, and then he passes out. Aubrey wonders what's up with them. Olivia isn't sure. She wonders if it was something she put in the punch. Olivia and Aubrey both try some punch, and then pass out. This makes everyone curious, and everyone passes out. Eggman is observing the events via a spy cam. He can't believe his plan actually worked. Orbot wonders what happens now. Eggman says that now that Olivia and all of her friends are out of the picture, he can unleash an attack. Cubot wonders what that would be. Eggman unveils the Death Egg Robot. Orbot knows that this will definitely do the trick in destroying the town. Eggman heads off into town with the Death Egg Robot.

In town, Eggman is destroying everything. The circus ring leader wonders if there's anyone left to save them. That's when Sonic chimes in. Orbot wonders how Eggman managed to forget about Sonic. Eggman doesn't wanna talk about it. Sonic says he picked up a recruit who wasn't at that party. Kaitlynn waves at Eggman. Eggman wonders how Sonic knew about the plan. Sonic said it was simple. He told Olivia he was gonna stay back from the party just in case there was any trouble afoot. Kaitlynn says she just never got invited. Eggman is furious and begins fighting Sonic and Kaitlynn. He attempts to use the Sleepy Potion on them, but he fails. Eventually, Sonic snags the Sleepy Potion from Eggman and uses it on him, Orbot, and Cubot. The three fall asleep. Eggman wants his teddy bear. Kaitlynn wonders what's next. Sonic says they need to get to that party and wake everyone up. Kaitlynn wonders how they're gonna do that. Sonic knows of something that will get everyone up instantly.

Sonic grabs a giant boombox and starts blasting "Never Gonna Give You Up." This wakes everyone up. Jake is upset that they just got Rick Rolled. Olivia wonders what even happened. Sonic tells them everything. Sunshine thinks it's a good idea to dump out that punch now. Olivia agrees. She goes outside to dump out the punch. She says she'll make a new batch. Troy is glad that everything is back to normal. Brooke doesn't think they are, as Emma is still passed out on the floor. Hazel tells them not to worry, she's just naturally very sleepy. Saben totally knows that feeling. Back at Eggman's lair, Eggman has woken up. He checks on the progress of a bigger project of his, powered by the Chaos Emeralds. He still can't believe he managed to steal these Emeralds. He watches the progress bar slowly go up, as he begins to track down the last three Emeralds.

Production Information[]

  • There is little CGI used in this episode
  • Thirty-fifth time the fourth wall is broken


  • The Eggman theme remix from Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games is heard when Eggman explains his plan
  • Cubot mentions the events of "Game, Set, Match"
  • An instrumental of "Viva la Vida" by Coldplay can be faintly heard at the party
  • The picture from "Snowball Effect" can still be seen in Olivia's living room, now with the addition of a picture from "This Is Olivia, Signing Off"
  • The pictures from "Olivia's Beach Party Clip Show", "Olivia Saves Christmas", and "Boy Story" can still be seen in the entryway/hallway
  • "Death Egg Robot (Phase 1)" from Sonic Generations is heard when Eggman reveals the Death Egg Robot
  • Someone in town is heard screaming "My watermelon!", a reference to a gag from Phineas and Ferb
  • "Egg Emperor" from Sonic Generations is heard during the fight
  • Sonic Rick Rolls everyone to wake them up, a very common fad in meme culture
    • With this, "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley is heard
  • Eggman recalls the events of "The Kaitlynn Conspiracy"
  • The end of the episode foreshadows the events of "Introducing... Eggman Nega"