Main cast
Mammott - Matthew
Toe Jammer - Toby
Noggin - Nicky
Potbelly - Philemon
Fwog - Frederico
Furcorn - Frankie
Supporting Cast
Cybop [♂] - Cornelius
Repatillo [♂] - Rockford
Cherubble [⚧] - Corley
Jeeode [⚧] - Jason
Bellowfish [♂] - Bixby
HippityHop [♂♀] - Houstyn and Horus
Shellbeat [♂] - Sorren
Pango [⚧] - Pascual
Edamimi [♀] - Emmagrace
Dermit [♂] - Douglas
Monoculus [♂] - Mads
Blasoom [♂] - Boden
Barrb [♀] - Blu
Reedling [♀] - Roseann
Dragong [⚧] - Danisha
Flum-Ox [♂] - Frederick
Fung Pray [⚧] - Finnigan
Floogull [♂] - Finley
Nebulob [♂] - Niccolas
Rare Tiawa [♀] - Tommie
Scups [♂] - Stephon
Galvana [⚧] - Gisele
TooToo [⚧] - Terrez
Jellbilly [♂] - Jordan
Yool [♂] - Yashwin
Sooza [♀] - Summerlyn
Sox [♂] - Sirius
Gob [⚧] - Ginger
Blipsqueak [♀] - Bernice
Tiawa [♂] - Trevor
Bisonorous [♂] - Blair
Denchuhs [⚧] - Desiree and Daisie
Reebro [♂] - Redmond
PongPing [⚧] - Patryk
Vhenshun [♂] - Victoriano
Astropod [♂] - Atom
Tympa [♂] - Travis
Sporerow [⚧] - Sebastion
Whiz-bang [⚧] - Winston
Rare Tweedle [♀] - Torri
Rare Pango [⚧] - Princess
Grumpyre [♂] - Gaston
Clackula [♂] - Carl
Wimmzies [♀] - Westley
Rooba [♂] - Rebecka
Roarick [⚧] - Robert
Clavi Gnat [⚧] - Cory
Dwumrohl [♂] - Demitrius
Pummel [♂] - Peter
Bleatnik [♂] - Bentley
Fleechwurm [⚧] - Franklin
Plinkajou [⚧] - Phineas
Larvaluss [⚧] - Lillyrose
Knurv [⚧] - Knox
Rootitoot [⚧] - Remmi
Punkleton [♂] - Perceus
Zynth [♂] - Zacharyah
Attamoz [♂] - Alius
Hornacle [♂] - Happy
Plixie [♀] - Preston
ShLep [⚧] - Simeon